Aotearoa New Zealand’s first national adaptation plan contains strategies, policies and actions that will help New Zealanders adapt to the changing climate and its effects – so we can reduce the potential harm of climate change, as well as seize the opportunities that arise.
The Table of actions also forms part of the national adaptation plan. Further supporting documents are linked in the related publications section at the bottom of this page.
The plan was published in 2022. Some actions in the plan were amended in January 2025 as part of the Government's response to the Climate Change Commission's national adaptation plan progress report. These updates reflect changes in circumstances since the plan was published, and align with the Government’s climate strategy.
See the response and updated table of actions for more details.
Building a climate-resilient Aotearoa New Zealand
The climate has warmed by 1.1°C in the past 100 years – we are already seeing the devastating effects. We can expect to continue to see rising sea levels, more extreme weather events, and increased risk of wildfire and drought. We can meet the challenges of a changing climate – but there is no time to waste. We need to take action now. That is the purpose of this national adaptation plan.
The long-term adaptation strategy sets out how Aotearoa New Zealand will build resilience for an uncertain future
Long-term adaptation goals
- Reduce vulnerability
- Enhance our ability to adapt
- Strengthen resilience.
National climate change risk assessments
Identify the climate-related risks we need to prepare for.
First national adaptation plan (2022-28)
- Better risk-informed decisions
- Climate-resilient development in the right location
- Adaptation options including managed retreat
- Embed climate resilience across Government.
Adaptation actions
Strategies, policies and proposals to help us understand and respond to climate change risks.
Adaptation is a continuous process of assessing and managing risk, evaluating the effectiveness of actions taken and adjusting those actions as needed. By adapting to the unavoidable effects of climate change, we become more resilient to those risks.
Climate change is exacerbating the risk of existing natural hazards – including flooding and drought – and creating new risks such as sea-level rise. We can build on our past experience with natural hazards to prepare for increased risk in the future.
This national adaptation plan is the first in a series. Every six years, He Pou a Rangi – Climate Change Commission will prepare a national climate change risk assessment. This will identify the climate risks that need to be addressed most urgently. New national adaptation plans that respond to those risks will be developed in consultation with all New Zealanders.
The first plan focuses on getting the foundations right. It sets out what the Government will do to enable better risk-informed decisions, drive climate-resilient development
in the right locations, help communities assess adaptation options (including managed retreat) and embed climate resilience into all of the Government’s work.
Together, we can reduce our vulnerability to climate risk, enhance our ability to adapt and strengthen our resilience to a changing climate.
Enabling better risk-informed decisions
Climate change will affect where we want to live and invest, how we farm and run our businesses and how we keep ourselves safe. To make good decisions, we will need to assess current and future climate risks to our homes, businesses and communities.
The national adaptation plan will enable New Zealanders to make better risk-informed decisions. To make sure everyone has access to up-to-date and relevant information, tools, methodologies and guidance, the Government will:
- provide access to the latest climate projections data to give New Zealanders the data they need to assess climate risk and make adaptation decisions
- design and develop a risk, resilience and climate adaptation information portal to provide the public with natural hazard risk information, climate data and information for climate decision-making
- establish the Māori Climate Platform to enable Māori to actively participate in policy design, tangata Māori climate actions, and support hapū, iwi and Māori to develop strategies and action plans for adaptation and mitigation.
- improve natural hazard information on Land Information Memoranda to help people to make better-informed decisions about natural hazard risk when buying a property
- deliver a rolling programme of targeted guidance to enable decision makers to assess and plan to manage climate-related risks.
Driving climate-resilient development in the right locations
The built environment has a long lifespan. Decisions we make today about how and where we develop really matter. Buildings, infrastructure and communities must be resilient to the impacts of climate change and help build our capacity to adapt to a changing climate.
To make sure that our planning and infrastructure investment systems guide climate-resilient development in the right places and account for changing risks, the Government will:
- reform the resource management system to support resilient buildings, infrastructure and communities, and encourage future growth and development in the right locations
- set direction on natural hazard risk management and climate adaptation through the National Planning Framework
- reform institutional arrangements for water services to deliver better health and wellbeing outcomes for our communities and protect our environment for generations to come.
Councils should use their existing powers now to drive climate-resilient development in the right places. As a minimum, they should use the climate scenarios recommended by the national adaptation plan when exercising their resource management functions.
Adaptation options including managed retreat
Many of our communities are already under threat from natural hazard events. These events will increase in severity and frequency over time because of climate change. Councils and communities can consider a range of adaptation options to reduce risk.
There are a range of adaption options to manage and respond to different climate risks.
- Avoid
- Protect
- Accommodate
- Retreat
To support councils, communities, businesses and individuals to consider and understand the adaptation options available in their area, the Government will:
- pass legislation to support managed retreat of assets from at-risk areas
- review the future for local government to ensure councils are equipped for agile, sustainable and anticipatory decision-making
- publish the programme of work on how Aotearoa meets the costs of climate change and invests in resilience
- ensure kaitiaki have access to information and advice to help them understand threats to, reduce impacts on, and adapt taonga/cultural assets.
Embedding climate resilience
The Government will embed climate resilience across all its strategies and policies.
Natural environment
When ecosystems are healthy and diverse, they can adjust more effectively to climate threats. To support healthy, connected ecosystems, where biodiversity thrives, the Government will:
- implement key biodiversity policies and strategies to protect, restore and build resilience of indigenous biodiversity to climate change
- deliver biosecurity actions to protect ecosystems and our economy from invasive species
- implement key freshwater management programmes to ensure water availability and security, and healthy waterways.
Homes, buildings and places
Homes, buildings and places play a vital role in our health, wellbeing and quality of life. Driving climate-resilient development in the right places and putting the foundations in place for communities to consider adaptation options, will help make sure they are resilient to the changing climate, and support people and communities to thrive. In addition to those actions, the Government will:
- reduce and manage the impacts of climate hazards on homes and buildings. Provide information on climate impacts and options to help building owners, renters and new home builders
- reduce the exposure of public housing tenants to climate hazards by improving the resilience of public housing.
Infrastructure provides the services we depend on to live, work, learn and play. To reduce the vulnerability of existing assets and ensure new infrastructure is fit for a changing climate, the Government will:
- scope a resilience standard or code for infrastructure to encourage risk reduction and resilience planning in existing and new assets
- integrate adaptation into Treasury decisions on infrastructure to ensure that decision-making on new assets and across major renewal or upgrade programmes considers climate risks
- develop guidance to support asset owners to evaluate, understand and manage the impacts and risks of climate change on their physical assets and the services they provide
- develop and implement the Waka Kotahi Climate Adaptation Plan to enable climate-resilient transport networks and journeys, connecting people, products and places for a thriving Aotearoa.
Communities are diverse and experience the impacts of climate change in various ways. Building and maintaining strong communities will equip New Zealanders with the right tools to adapt. To support resilient communities that are empowered to respond to risks, the Government will:
- modernise the emergency management system to improve the regulatory framework which underpins emergency management in Aotearoa
- raise awareness of climate-related hazards to make emergency preparedness a part of everyday life
- develop the health national adaptation plan to prepare the health sector to meet the needs of communities in a changing climate.
Economy and financial system
Climate change impacts, such as increased floods, droughts and sea-level rise, are already affecting our economy. To make sure our economy is resilient in the face of a changing climate, and that we seize the opportunities that will arise, the Government will:
- develop options for home flood insurance to support community resilience to the consequences of extreme weather and facilitate recovery after the event
- deliver a strategy to ensure our freight and supply chain system is resilient, reliable and prepared for disruption
- help businesses make decisions which better recognise climate-related risks, realise opportunities and attract more investment, through the climate-related disclosures programme.
Working with nature to adapt to climate change
Safeguarding biodiversity and ecosystems is fundamental to our climate response. Our precious native ecosystems can buffer us from the impacts of climate change, store carbon, support biodiversity and improve community wellbeing.
To address the climate and biodiversity crises together, the Government will:
- prioritise nature-based solutions to adapt to climate change and deliver other socio-economic and environmental benefits, embed nature-based solutions in transport policies and identify options to increase their integration into urban form
- establish an integrated work programme to deliver climate, biodiversity and wider environmental outcomes.
We are all affected by climate change and have a role in building resilience
Climate change will affect all of us in different ways. We all need to be prepared and we all have a role to play in building a climate-resilient Aotearoa.
- Central government has a leadership role to play, and will establish policy and institutional settings that support effective adaptation.
- Local government is on the front line in managing climate effects and risks. Councils have functions and duties in relation to natural hazards, civil defence and emergency management, and improving community resilience.
- Māori have a unique role to play – as Te Tiriti o Waitangi partners, tangata whenua, and kaitiaki of their ancestral and cultural landscape.
- Communities and individuals need to be prepared to manage the impacts climate change will have on daily life and the risks to private assets.
- The private sector will need to invest in reducing risks to businesses and assets. Businesses can take advantage of new economic opportunities such as access to new technologies and markets.
Our adaptation journey must be equitable
No two communities will experience climate change in the same way. Communities that are less able to adapt and disproportionately affected by climate change – including Māori, Pacific people and ethnic communities, low-income groups, disabled and older people, women, children and youth, and rural communities – are considered throughout this plan. This includes actions on infrastructure, housing and urban development, the reform of the institutional arrangements for water services, and development of legislation on managed retreat.
Enabling an equitable transition for Māori, led by Māori
We need to ensure an equitable transition for Māori, led by Māori, to uphold Māori rights and interests under Te Tiriti o Waitangi. Achieving an equitable transition means building Māori–Crown relationships and capability, so that we can progress our climate response work as partners.
Māori-led climate-change initiative Te Ihirangi has developed the Rauora framework, which brings together Māori values and principles into an indigenous worldview of climate change. The framework provides a lens through which the adaptation strategy and national adaptation plan will be progressed.
Reflecting the principle of interconnectedness, which is at the heart of the Rauora framework, both this plan and the emissions reduction plan establish a pathway for Māori and government to work together to:
- develop a new platform for Māori climate action that will enable tangata whenua to actively participate in the climate response
- develop a Māori climate strategy and action plan that will elevate te ao Māori and mātauranga Māori within the overall climate response
- ensure the right funding and resourcing for community action, kaupapa Māori, and tangata Māori actions and solutions.
Adaptation route map to 2028
Towards a resilient, sustainable, productive and inclusive Aotearoa New Zealand
- Climate change adaptation technical working group recommendations published.
- Amendments to Climate Change Response Act 2002 require preparation of national adaptation plans.
- First national climate change risk assessment published.
- First national adaptation plan
- Government and Māori work together to design Māori platform for climate action.
- Initial risk and resilience portal launched
- Natural and Built Environment Act and Spatial Planning Act passed
- Future for Local Government review final report and recommendations due
- National Policy Statement on Indigenous Biodiversity implemented
- Freight and supply chain strategy launched
- Waka Kotahi Climate Adaptation Plan published.
- New Zealand climate projection datasets available
- Large financial institutions required to disclose climate risks and opportunities
- Long-term plans set strategic direction for communities
- Climate Adaptation Act passed
- New water service entities established
- Kāinga Ora’s climate-resilient public housing initiative established
- New civil defence and emergency management legislation in force
- Water availability and security project established.
- Public climate-hazard education strategy launched
- National planning framework sets direction on adaptation and natural hazard risk management
Updates to the Building Code available
Climate risk integrated into Treasury decision-making.
- Second national climate change risk assessment released
- Housing and urban development funding models updated to consider climate risk
- Transpower Adaptation Plan released
- Updates to the Building Code have been identified.
- Long-term plans set strategic direction for communities.
- Continued development of regional spatial strategies and Natural and Built Environments Act plans
- Second national adaptation plan published.
Te whakapakari i te manawaroa o Aotearoa ki te panoni āhuarangi
1.1°C te pikinga ake o te mahana o te āhuarangi i roto i ngā tau 100 kua pahure ake – e kite kē nei tātou i ngā pānga whakamōtī o taua whakamahanatanga ake. Kāore e kore ka piki tonu te tai moana, ka hūkerikeri ake te āhuarangi, me te mōrearea nui ake o te ahi taikaha me te tauraki. Ka taea ngā wero o te āhuarangi e panoni ana te kaupare – engari kia kaua e moumou tāima. Me mahi i ngā mahi ināia tonu nei. Koinei te pūtake o tēnei mahere urutaunga ā-motu.
Ka whakatakoto te rautaki urutaunga paetawhiti ka pēhea a Aotearoa e whakapakari ai i te aumangea mō ngā wā pāhekeheke e tū mai nei
Ngā whāinga urutaunga paetawhiti
- Te whakaiti i te noho whakaraerae
- Whakareia tō kaha urutau
- Whakapakari i te aumangea.
Ngā aromatawai tūraru panoni āhuarangi ā-motu
Tautohua ngā tūraru panoni āhuarangi me takatū e tātou.
Te mahere urutaunga ā-motu tuatahi (2022-28)
- Ngā whakataunga e pai ake ai te mōhio ki ngā tūraru
- Te whakawhanaketanga e manawaroa ana ki te panoni āhuarangi ki ngā wāhi tika
- Kei roto i ngā kōwhiringa urutau ko te whakatahinga whakahaere
- Te tāmau i te aumangea ki te panoni āhuarangi puta noa i ngā tari me ngā umanga o te kāwanatanga.
Ngā mahi urutau
Ngā rautaki, ngā kaupapahere me ngā marohi e mārama ake ai tātou, e taea ai hoki te urupare ki ngā mōrea panoni āhuarangi.
He tukanga mutukore te urutaunga o te aromatawai me te whakahaere i te mōrea, te aromātai i te tōtika o ngā mahi kua mahia, me te urutau i aua mahi ki te hiahiatia. Mā te urutau haere ki aua pānga o te panoni āhuarangi tē taea te karo, ka tupu ake tō tātou aumangea ki aua mōrea.
Nā te panoni āhuarangi ka hē kē atu te mōrea ka tūpono mai ngā pūmate o te taiao – pērā i te waipuke me te tauraki – ka mutu, ka whakaputa i ngā mōrea hou pērā i te pikinga o te tai moana. Ka taea te whakamahi i ō tātou wheako o mua ki ngā pūmate tūturu hei whakapakari i a tātou kia noho takatū mō te mōrearea nui ake ā ngā tau e tū mai nei.
He tuatahitanga tēnei mahere urutaunga ā-motu nō tētahi raupapa o ngā mahere. Ka whakaotihia e He Poua a Rangi he aromatawai tūraru panoni āhuarangi ā-motu i ia ono tau. Mā tērā e tautohu ngā tūraru me whakatutuki i runga i te tino hohoro.
Ka whakawhanaketia ngā mahere urutaunga ā-motu ka urupare kia aua tūraru i runga i te whitiwhiti kōrero ki ngā tāngata katoa o Aotearoa.
E arotahi ana te mahere tuatahi ki te whakarite kia tika ngā mahi tūāpapa. Ko tāna, he whakatakoto ka aha te Kāwanatanga kia puta mai ai ngā whakataunga e pai ake ai te mōhio ki ngā tūraru, ki te uruhi anō hoki i ngā whanaketanga e manawaroa ana ki te panoni āhuarangi i ngā wāhi tika, ki te āwhina i ngā hapori ki te aromatawai i ngā kōwhiringa urutau (taea noatia te whakatahinga whakahaere) me te tāmau i te aumangea ki te panoni āhuarangi puta noa i ngā mahi katoa a te Kāwanatanga.
Mā te mahi tahi, ka taea e tātou te whakaheke i tō tātou noho whakaraerae ki ngā mōrea panoni āhuarangi, te whakarei i tō tātou kaha ki te urutau me te whakapakari i tō tātou aumangea ki te āhuarangi panoni haere.
Te whakaputa i ngā whakataunga e pai ake ai te mōhio ki ngā tūraru
Ka whai pānga te panoni āhuarangi ki ngā wāhi e hiahia ana tātou ki te noho, ki te āhua o ngā mahi pāmu, ki te āhua e whakahaeretia ai ō tātou pakihi, me ngā āhua e whakarite ai kia noho haumaru tātou. Hei whakaputa i ngā whakataunga papai, me aromatawai i ngā tūraru āhuarangi ka pā ināianei, hei āpōpō anō hoki, ki ō tātou kāinga, pakihi, me ngā hapori.
Mā te mahere urutaunga ā-motu e āhei ai ngā tāngata o Aotearoa te whakatau i runga i te mōhio pai ake ki ngā tūraru. Hei whakarite kia whai urunga te katoa ki ngā mōhio, taputapu, tikanga, ārahitanga e hou ana me te hāngai, mā te Kāwanatanga e:
- whakarato urunga ki ngā raraunga matapae āhuarangi tino hou rawa kia whiwhi ai ngā tāngata o Aotearoa ki ngā mōhiohio e hiahia ana ki te aromatawai i te tūraru panoni
- hoahoa me te whakawhanake tomokanga mōhiohio mō ngā tūraru me te urutaunga ki ngā panoni āhuarangi kia wātea ai ngā mōhiohio pūmate ao tūroa, ngā raraunga me ngā mōhiohio āhuarangi hoki ki te katoa
- whakapūmau i te pūhara mō ngā mahi whakamauru panoni āhuarangi kia kaha ai tā te Māori whai wāhi ki te hoahoa kaupapahere me ngā mahi whakamauru panoni āhuarangi mā ngā tāngata Māori, me te tautoko i ngā hapū, iwi, me ngāi Māori ki te whakawhanake rautaki, mahere mahi anō hoki mō te urutaunga me te whakamaurutanga.
- whakapai ake i ngā mōhiohio pūmate ao tūroa i ngā Manatu Mōhiohio Whenua (Land Information Memoranda (LIM)) hei āwhina i te tangata ki te whakatau i runga i te mōhio ki ngā mōrea pūmate ao tūroa ina hoko mai i tētahi whare
- whakapuaki i te hōtaka haere tonu o ngā aratohu urutaunga kia whakawhāitihia ake kia pai ake tā ngā kaiwhakatau aromatawai me te whakahaere i ngā tūraru ā-āhuarangi.
Te whakariterite i te whakawhanaketanga e manawaroa ana ki te panoni āhuarangi ki ngā wāhi tika
He roa te tauoranga o ngā taiao e hangaia ana. He mea tino nui ā tātou whakataunga i tēnei wā mō ngā āhua me ngā wāhi o ā mātou mahi whakawhanake. Me noho aumangea rawa ngā whare, ngā tūāhanga me ngā hapori ki ngā pāpātanga o te panoni āhuarangi, ka mutu, me whakakaha i tō tātou āhei ki te urutau ki te āhuarangi e panoni ana.
Hei whakarite kia arataki ō tātou pūnaha whakamahere me te haumi ki ngā tūāhanga i te whanaketanga e manawaroa ana ki te panoni āhuarangi ki ngā wāhi tika me te āta aro ki ngā tūraru e panoni tonu ana, mā te Kāwanatanga e:
- whakahou i te pūnaha whakahaere rawa kia hāpaingia ai ngā whare, tūāhanga me ngā hapori kia manawaroa, me te whakatītina i te tupuranga me te whanaketanga hei āpōpō ki ngā wāhi tika
- whakatakoto i te ahunga mō te whakahaere mōrea pūmate ao tūroa me te urutaunga āhuarangi mā te Anga Whakamahere ā-Motu
- whakahou i ngā whakaritenga whakahaere mō ngā ratonga wai kia puta mai ai ngā putanga hauora me te toiora pai ake ki ō tātou hapori, me te tiaki i tō tātou taiao mō ngā whakatipuranga kei te heke mai.
Me whakamahi ngā kaunihera i te mana kei a rātou i tēnei wā ki te whakariterite i te whakawhanaketanga e manawaroa ana ki te panoni āhuarangi ki ngā wāhi tika. Me whakamahi rātou i ngā tauari āhuarangi e tūtohutia ana e te mahere urutaunga ā-motu ina tuhituhi me te whakaumu tauākī kaupapahere me ngā mahere.
Kei roto i ngā kōwhiringa urutau ko te whakatahinga whakahaere
Noho whakaraerae kē ai te maha o ngā hapori ki ngā takahanga pūmate ao tūturu. Ka piki tonu te kaha me te auau o aua takahanga i roto i te wā, ko te panoni āhuarangi te take. Ka āhei te kāwanatanga, ngā pakihi me ngā hapori te whai whakaaro ki te whānuitanga o ngā kōwhiringa hei whakaiti mōrea.
Arā te huhuatanga o ngā kōwhiringa urutaunga hei whakahaere me te urupare ki ngā mōrea āhuarangi rerekē.
- Arai
- Pare
- Tautuku
- Whakatahi
Hei tautoko kaunihera, hapori, pakihi me ngā tangata takitahi kia whai whakaaro me te mārama ki ngā kōwhiringa urutaunga e wātea ana i ō rātou takiwā, mā te Kāwanatanga e:
- whakamana ture ki te tautoko i te whakatahinga whakahaere o ngā rawa i ngā takiwā mōrea
- arotake i te anamata o ngā kaunihera hei whakarite kia whai kaha rātou ki te hanga whakataunga kakama, toitū, whakaneinei āno hoki
- whakaputa i te hōtaka mahi mō te āhua e tutuki ai i a Aotearoa ngā utu mō ngā panoni āhuarangi, me te haumi ki te aumangea
- whakarite kia whai urunga ngā kaitiaki ki ngā mōhiohio me ngā tohutohu hei āwhina i a rātou kia mārama ki, te whakaiti pāpanga ki, me te urutau ki ngā taonga/rawa ahurea.
Te tāmau i te aumangea ki te panoni āhuarangi
Mā te Kāwanatanga te aumangea ki te panoni āhuarangi e tāmau puta noa i te katoa o ana rautaki, kaupapahere anō hoki.
Te taiao tūturu
Ka hauora ana, ka kanorau ana ngā pūnaha rauropi, ka tōtika ake pea tō rātou urutau ki ngā mōrearea āhuarangi. Hei tautoko i ngā pūnaha rauropi hauora me te tūhonohono, e matomato ai ngā pūnaha rauropi, mā te Kāwanatanga e:
- whakatinana i ngā kaupapa here me te rautaki mō ngā pūnaha rauropi hei tiaki, whakahou me te whakapakari i te aumangea o ngā pūnaha rauropi taketake ki ngā panoni āhuarangi
- whakapuaki i ngā mahi haumaru koiora hei pare i ngā pūnaha rauropi me tō tātou ōhanga mai i ngā momo orotā urutomo
- whakatinana i ngā kaupapa arawai māori matua hei whakarite i te wāteatanga me te haumarutanga, me ngā arawai haumaru.
Ngā kāinga, ngā whare me ngā wāhi
He tino wāhanga rawa tō ngā kāinga, whare me ngā wāhi ki tō tātou hauora, toiora me te āhua o te noho. Mā te whakariterite i te whakawhanaketanga e manawaroa ana ki te panoni āhuarangi ki ngā wāhi tika, me te whakatakoto i ngā tūāpapa e whai whakaarohia ai e ngā hapori ngā kōwhiringa ka whakarite kia manawaroa rātou ki te āhuarangi panoni, me te tautoko i ngā tāngata me ngā haproi kia taurikura. Hei tāpiritanga atu ki aua mahi, mā te Kāwanatanga e:
- āwhina ngā kaipupuri whare, ngā kairēti me ngā kaihanga whare hou ki te whakaheke me te whakahaere i ngā pāpānga o ngā pūmate ao tūturu ki ngā kāinga me ngā whare
- whakaheke i te noho whakaraerae o ngā kairīhi whare tūmatanui ki ngā pūmate ao tūturu
- whakarite kia whakaarohia ngā pūmate ao tūturu i ngā whakatau tuku pūtea mō te whakawhanaketanga ā-tāone, ā-whare anō hoki.
Ka whakarato te tūāhanga i ngā ratonga e whakawhirinaki ai tātou mō te ora, te mahi, te ako, me te tākaro. Hei whakaheke i te noho whakaraerae o ngā rawa e tū ana i tēnei wā, me te whakarite kia tika te tūāhanga hou mō te āhuarangi e panoni ana, mā te Kāwanatanga e:
- whakatau i te hōkaitanga o tētahi paerewa aumangea, tikanga rānei mō te tūāhanga hei whakatenatena i te whakaiti mōrea me te whakamahere aumangea mō ngā rawa kei reira ināianei, me ngā mea hou
- kōmitimiti i te urutaunga ki ngā whakatau a Te Tai Ōhanga mō te tūāhanga hei whakarite kia whakaarohia te tūraru i ngā whakataunga e pā ana ki ngā rawa hou, puta noa anō hoki i ngā kaupapa whakahou matua, whakamohoa matua rānei
- whakawhanake ārahitanga hei tautoko i ngā kaipupuri rawa kia aromātai, kia mārama, kia whakahaere rānei i ngā pāpātanga me ngā tūraru o te panoni āhuarangi ki ā rātou rawa ōkiko me ngā ratonga e whakarato ana rātou
- whakawhanake me te whakatinana i te Mahere Urutaunga Āhuarangi a Waka Kotahi kia tutuki ai ngā kōtuinga ikiiki me ngā haerenga e manawaroa ana ki te panoni āhuarangi, te tūhonohono tāngata, hua me ngā wāhi kia taurikura ai a Aotearoa.
Ngā hapori
He kanorau ngā hapori, me te aha ka kite wheako i ngā pāpātanga o te panoni āhuarangi mā ngā āhua rerekē. Mā te hanga me te tautiaki hapori pakari e whai taputapu tika ngā tāngata o Aotearoa ki te urutau. Hei tautoko i ngā hapori manawaroa kua whakahikotia ki te urupare ki ngā tūraru, mā te Kāwanatanga e:
- whakariterite te pūnaha whakahaere ohotata kia tino hou
- whakapiki i te aweko ki ngā pūmate taha āhuarangi nei kia noho takatū ai te tangata ki ngā tūpono ohotata i ia rā, i ia rā
- whakawhanake me te whakatutuki i te Mahere Urutaunga Hauora ā-Motu kia takatū ai te rāngai hauora ki te whakaea i ngā hiahia o ngā hapori i te wā o te panoni āhuarangi.
Te ōhanga me te pūnaha ahumoni
Pāngia kētia ai tō tātou ōhanga e ngā pāpānga o te panoni āhuarangi, pēnei i ngā waipuke, ngā tauraki me te pikinga o te tai moana. Hei whakarite kia noho manawaroa tō tātou ōhanga ki te āhuarangi e panoni ana, me te āta whakamahi i ngā arawātea ka tūpono mai, mā te Kāwanatanga e:
- whakaahu kōwhiringa mō te rīanga waipuke whare hei toko i te aumangea hapori ki ngā mutunga iho o te āhuarangi hūkerikeri me te whakangāwari i te whakaora anō whai muri i te aituā
- whakapuaki rautaki hei whakarite kia aumangea, pono, rite mō te tōhenehene tā tātou pūnaha kawe rawa, ara tukutuku anō hoki
- āwhina i ngā pakihi ki te hanga whakataunga e pai ake ai te aro ki ngā tūraru ā-āhuarangi, ka whakatinana arawātea, ka whakamanea i te haumitanga nui ake, mā te hōtaka whāki mōrearea ā-āhuarangi.
Te mahi me te taiao ki te urutau ki te panoni āhuarangi
He mea waiwai te whakamaru i te kanorau koiora me ngā pūnaha hauropi ki tō tātou urupare āhuarangi. Ka taea e ō tātou pūnaha hauropi puiaki te mahi hei pākai mā tātou ki ngā pāpātanga o te panoni āhuarangi, te roki waro, te tautoko i te kanorau koiora me te whakapiki i te toiora o ngā hapori.
Hei whakatutuki ngātahi i ngā mōrearea āhuarangi me te kanorau koiora, mā te Kāwanatanga e:
- whakaarotau rongoā e pūtakea mai ana i te taiao ki te urutau ki te panoni āhuarangi me te whakapuaki i ētahi atu painga ohapori, ā-taiao hoki, me te tāmau i ngā rongoā e pūtakea mai ana i te taiao mō ngā kaupapahere ikiiki, me te tautohu kōwhiringa hei whakanui ake i te kōmitimiti i ērā ki roto i ngā āhuatanga o ngā tāone
- whakapūmau i te hōtaka mahi kōmitimiti hei whakapuaki i ngā putanga āhuarangi mai, kanorau koiora mai, taiao whānui mai.
E pāngia ana tātou katoa e te panoni āhuarangi, kua whai tūnga tātou katoa ki te whakapakari i te manawaroa
Ka pāngia tātou katoa e te panoni āhuarangi mā ngā āhua rerekē. Me noho takatū tātou katoa, ā, kua whai tūnga tātou katoa i ngā mahi whakapakari i te manawaroa o Aotearoa ki ngā panoni āhuarangi.
- He tūnga hautū tō te kāwanatanga, māna ngā kaupapahere me ngā tautuhinga whakanōhanga e whakapūmau tērā ka tautoko i te urutaunga tōtika.
- Kei te haputa ngā kaunihera e whakahaere ana i ngā pānga me ngā mōrea o te panoni āhuarangi. He taumahi ā ngā kaunihera e pā ana ki ngā pūmate ao tūturu, ki te rākau whakamarumaru me te whakahaerenga ohotata, me te whakapiki i te aumangea o te hapori.
- He tūnga ahurei tō te Māori – hei hoa Tiriti o Waitangi, hei tangata whenua, hei kaitiaki o ō rātou taiao tupuna, ahurea anō hoki.
- Ne noho rite ngā hapori me ngā tāngata takitahi ki te whakahaere i ngā pāpānga o te panoni āhuarangi ki ō rātou ao o ia rā, me ngā mōrea ki ngā rawa tūmataiti.
- Me haumi te rāngai tūmataiti ki ngā mahi hei whakaheke i ngā mōrea ki ngā pakihi me ngā rawa. Ka āhei ngā pakihi te whai huanga i ngā arawātea ohaoha hou pēnei i te āheitanga ki ngā hangarau hou me ngā mākete hou.
Kia whai mana ōrite te katoa i ā tātou kōkiritanga urutau
Kore rawa e ōrite te pānga o te panoni āhuarangi ki ngā hapori rerekē. E whai whakaarohia ana ngā hapori he iti iho tō rātou kaha ki te urutau, me ērā hoki ka tino pāngia rawatia e te panoni āhuarangi, puta noa i tēnei mahere – tae atu ki ngā Māori, ngā iwi o Te Moananui-a-Kiwa, ngā hapori mātāwaka, ngā rōpū he iti tā rātou moniwhiwhi, ngā tāngata hauā, te hunga mātāpuputu, ngā wāhine, ngā tamariki, ngā taiohi me ngā hapori taiwhenua.
Te whakamana i te panoni mana ōrite mō te Māori, mā te Māori e hautū
Ko tā mātou he whakarite i te panoni mana ōrite mō te Māori, mā te Māori e arataki ki te hāpai i ngā motika me ngā pānga Māori i raro i Te Tiriti o Waitangi. E tutuki ai te panoni mana ōrite, me whakapakari i ngā hononga Māori-Karauna kaha, kia taea ai te koke i ā tātou mahi urupare hei hoa pātui.
Kua whakaahutia e te kōkiritanga panoni āhuarangi, Te Ihirangi, e aratakina ana e te Māori te anga Rauora, tērā ka whakatōpū mai i ngā uara me ngā mātāpono Māori hei tirohanga ā-ao taketake ki te panoni āhuarangi. Mā te anga e kitea ai te āhua e whakakokea ai te rautaki urutaunga me te mahere urutaunga ā-motu.
Mā te whakaata i te mātāpono o te tūhonohonotanga, koia ko te uho o te anga Rauora, ka para ngātahi tēnei mahere me te mahere whakaheke tukunga i te huarahi e mahi tahi ai te Māori me te kāwanatanga ki te:
- whakawhanake i te pūhara hou mō tā te Māori whakamauru panoni āhuarangi e āhei ai te tangata whenua kia āta whai wāhi ki te urupare āhuarangi
- whakawhanake i tētahi rautaki āhuarangi me te mahere mahi ka mairanga i te ao Māori me te mātauranga Māori i roto i te whānuitanga o ngā urupare ki ngā panoni āhuarangi
- whakarite i te tahua me ngā rauemi e tika ana mō ngā mahi ā-hapori, ngā kaupapa Māori, me ngā mahi me ngā rongoā ā-tangata Māori.
Ngā tūāoma urutau tae noa ki te tau 2028
Te whai kia manawaroa a Aotearoa ki te panoni āhuarangi
- He mea whakaputa ngā tūtohunga a te rōpū mahi hangarau mō te urutaunga ki te panoni āhuarangi.
Ka whakarite ngā menamena ki te Ture Urupare ki te Panoni Āhuarangi 2002 i te whakaotinga o ngā mahere urutaunga ā-motu.
Ka whakaputaina te aromatawai tūraru panoni āhuarangi ā-motu tuatahi.
- Mahere urutaunga ā-motu tuatahi
Ka mahi ngātahi te Kāwanatanga me ngāi Māori ki te hoahoa i tētahi pūhara mō ngā mahi whakamauru panoni āhuarangi.
- Ka uakina te tomokanga aumangea me te tūraru tuatahi
- Ka mana te Ture Taiao Tūturu me te Hanga me te Ture Whakamahere Whaitua
Te wā me oti te pūrongo whakamutunga me ngā tūtohunga mō te arotake i Te Anamata mō ngā Kaunihera
Ka whakatinanahia te Tauākī Kaupapahere ā-Motu mō te Kanorau Koiora Taketake
- Ka uakina te rautaki kawe utanga me ngā ara tukutuku
Ka whakaputaina te Mahere Urutaunga Āhuarangi a Waka Kotahi.
- Ka wātea ngā huinga raraunga matapae mō tō Aotearoa āhuarangi
- Me whāki ngā pūtahitanga ahumoni nunui i ngā mōrea me ngā arawātea ā-āhuarangi
- Ka whakatakoto ngā mahere paetawhiti i te aronga rautaki mā ngā hapori
- Ka whakamanatia te Ture Urutaunga Āhuarangi
- Ka whakatūria ngā hinonga ratonga wai hou
- Ka whakapūmautia tā Kāinga Ora kōkiritanga whai whare tūmatanui e manawaroa ana ki te panoni āhuarangi
- Ka mana ngā ture hou mō te rākau whakamarumaru me te whakahaerenga ohotata
- Kua pūmau te kaupapa wāteatanga me te haumarutanga o te wai.
Ka uakina te rautaki mātauranga tūmatanui mō ngā pūmate ao tūturu
Ka tautuhi te anga whakamahere ā-motu i te ahunga mō te urutaunga me te whakahaere pūmate o te ao tūturu
Ka wātea ngā whakahou mō ngā Tikanga Hanga Whare
Ka kōmitimitia te tūraru āhuarangi ki ngā whakataunga a Te Tai Ōhanga.
- Ka tukuna te aromatawai tūraru panoni āhuarangi ā-motu tuarua
- Ka whakahoutia ngā tauira tuku pūtea mō te hanga whare me te whanaketanga ā-tāone kia whai whakaarohia ai te tūraru āhuarangi
- Ka tukuna te Mahere Urutaunga Transpower
- Kua tautohua ngā whakahounga ki ngā Tikanga Hanga Whare.
Ka whakatakoto ngā mahere paetawhiti i te aronga rautaki mā ngā hapori.
Te whanaketanga haere tonu o ngā rautaki whaitua ā-rohe me ngā mahere o te Ture Taiao Tūturu me te Hanga
- Ka whakaputaina te mahere urutaunga ā-motu tuarua.
Correction: 3 August 2022
On page 47, in the box titled: “Critical Action 3.1 Provide access to the latest climate projections data”
The line: “By January 2023, national climate projection datasets for Aotearoa will be available.”
Should read: “By January 2023, national climate projection datasets for Aotearoa are being produced.”
See more on...
Urutau, ka taurikura: Kia tū pakari a Aotearoa i ngā huringa āhuarangi Adapt and thrive: Building a climate-resilient New Zealand – New Zealand's first national adaptation plan
August 2022
© Ministry for the Environment