Image showing a Koaro
This is an image of a Kōaro. Scientific name: Galaxias brevipinnis

Image: Image courtesy of Cawthron

What farmers need to know and do: fish passage

What’s happening

From 2020 regulations apply to:

  • reclaiming and maintaining rivers
  • new culverts and weirs
  • new instream structures
  • any work around wetlands.

The regulations do not apply to existing structures prior to September 2020 or customary weirs. 

Why the regulations are needed

See the following resources on this page:

  • webinar: raising the bar on ecosystem health – wetlands, rivers and fish
  • factsheet: fish passage.

What you may need to do

If you are doing any work on a river or stream, find out what is needed to ensure fish passage is not impeded. 

See MfE guidance on the Rivers and streams web page and resources below.

For more on environmental matters that affect farming communities see the Rural hub

Webinar: raising the bar on ecosystem health – wetlands, rivers and fish

Includes an overview of the regulations related to fish passage

Policies and regulations

The following policies and regulations include provisions for fish passage in rivers.

National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020

National Environmental Standards for Freshwater 2020

Councils also have additional requirements under their regional plans and fish passage action plans.

NES-F and applying it to Fish Passage

This PDF poster helps to explain the regulations for Fish Passage.

Factsheets: fish passage

The guidelines

Reports: fish passage

Fish passage action plan

Fish Passage Assessment Tool

Supporting information: