Freshwater farm plans

Freshwater farm plans are a practical way for farmers and growers to identify, manage and reduce the impact of farming on the freshwater environment. Freshwater farm plans started in August 2023 in parts of the Waikato and Southland.

Note the proposed changes to the National Policy Statement on Freshwater Management would not affect Freshwater Farm Plans which are continuing to be implemented.

Update on freshwater farm plans

The Government intends to improve the freshwater farm plan system. While freshwater farm plans are seen as a key tool for managing freshwater risks moving forward, sector groups and farmers have told the coalition Government that the current system is too costly and complex.

We will be exploring if there are ways to make the system more cost-effective and practical for farmers while acknowledging the good work they are already doing.

The Government may look at whether current requirements to complete a freshwater farm plan could be paused while improvements are developed. Further detail will be provided later this year.

The Government is continuing to work with sector groups to develop a pathway for integrating existing farm plans and industry programmes with the freshwater farm plan system.

See the current freshwater farm plan regulations [New Zealand Legislation website]

Riparian planting on Bede Kissicks farm

Farmers and growers who need a freshwater farm plan

This information affects farmers and growers in areas where freshwater farm plans have started (ie, in parts of Waikato, Southland, the West Coast, Otago, and Manawatū-Whanganui).

If they have any of the below:

  • 20 hectares or more in arable or pastoral use
  • 5 hectares or more in horticultural use
  • 20 hectares or more of combined use.

What freshwater farm plans are

Freshwater farm plans have been legislated under:

Farmers will need to do an on-farm freshwater risk assessment and identify actions to manage (or mitigate) those risks.

On-farm actions to manage risks to freshwater will be tailored to each farm based on:

  • the farm landscape
  • farming activities
  • and the local catchment.

Freshwater farm plans will need to be certified and audited. The results of certification and auditing will be reported to the regional council.

Many farmers already have a farm environment plan or are part of an industry programme and freshwater farm plans will build on that work.

Freshwater farm plan system at a glance

Infographic about the freshwater farm plan system.

Overview of steps

  • RMA part 9A and RMA (Freshwater Farm Plans) Regulations
  • Catchment context, challenges and values (CCCV)
    • Regional councils define catchments, develop CCCV information and make information available to farmers, growers and plan developers. 
  • Is a freshwater farm plan required?
  • Develop freshwater farm plan – Farmers can:
    • develop their own freshwater farm plan
    • engage an advisor or consultant
    • engage a freshwater farm plan certifier.
  • Engage certifier
    • appointment process manager (third party) supports certifier application, training and assessment process.
    • regional councils appoint certifiers. 
  • Freshwater farm plan certification
    • does the freshwater farm plan meet certification requirements?
    • certifier provides certification information to regional council.
  • Implement freshwater farm plan action plan
  • Engage auditor
    • appointment process manager (third party) supports auditor application, training and assessment process
    • regional councils appoint auditors. 
  • Freshwater farm plan audit
    • is the farm compliant with the freshwater farm plan action plan?
    • auditor provides audit information to regional council.
    • for recertification does the freshwater farm plan still meet certification standards?
  • Regional council RMA compliance, monitoring and enforcement

System stewardship

This will cover parts of the system including INFDP, certifier and auditor appointment process and freshwater farm plan programme implementation and performance.

This will be In the form of:

  • operational governance
  • steering groups
  • technical advisory groups with representatives from key system implementers.
Infographic about the freshwater farm plan system.

Overview of steps

  • RMA part 9A and RMA (Freshwater Farm Plans) Regulations
  • Catchment context, challenges and values (CCCV)
    • Regional councils define catchments, develop CCCV information and make information available to farmers, growers and plan developers. 
  • Is a freshwater farm plan required?
  • Develop freshwater farm plan – Farmers can:
    • develop their own freshwater farm plan
    • engage an advisor or consultant
    • engage a freshwater farm plan certifier.
  • Engage certifier
    • appointment process manager (third party) supports certifier application, training and assessment process.
    • regional councils appoint certifiers. 
  • Freshwater farm plan certification
    • does the freshwater farm plan meet certification requirements?
    • certifier provides certification information to regional council.
  • Implement freshwater farm plan action plan
  • Engage auditor
    • appointment process manager (third party) supports auditor application, training and assessment process
    • regional councils appoint auditors. 
  • Freshwater farm plan audit
    • is the farm compliant with the freshwater farm plan action plan?
    • auditor provides audit information to regional council.
    • for recertification does the freshwater farm plan still meet certification standards?
  • Regional council RMA compliance, monitoring and enforcement

System stewardship

This will cover parts of the system including INFDP, certifier and auditor appointment process and freshwater farm plan programme implementation and performance.

This will be In the form of:

  • operational governance
  • steering groups
  • technical advisory groups with representatives from key system implementers.

When farmers need to have freshwater farm plans in place

The regulations are in effect in the following regions and freshwater management units (FMUs):


  • Waipa FMU
  • Middle Waikato FMU
  • Upper Waikato FMU
  • West Coast- South FMU


  • Aparima FMU
  • Fiordland and Islands FMU
  • Oreti FMU
  • Waiau FMU


  • North Otago FMU

West Coast

  • Hokitika FMU

Manawatū - Whanganui (Horizons)

  • Rangitīkei/Turakina FMU

See Resource Management (Application of Part 9A—Freshwater Farm Plans) Order 2023 [New Zealand Legislation website].

Farm operators in areas where freshwater farm plans are in effect should contact their regional council for advice on how rollout is proceeding in their region while the improvements to the system are being worked on.

Freshwater farm plan development process

Infographic about the freshwater farm plan development process.

Risk identification

  • Consider catchment context challenges and values relevant to farm.
  • Identify land units and associated inherent vulnerabilities and farming/growing activities.
  • Identify risks by considering how inherent vulnerabilities and catchment context factors interact with each farming/growing activity.
  • List of risks to be managed

Risk management

  • Identify existing action(s) to manage risk.
  • Are existing actions sufficient to manage risk?
    • Yes/no
  • Identify new actions to manage risk (consider the significance of the risk and what is fair and reasonable).
  • List of actions to manage risk

Action plan

  • Categorise action type (regulated catchment or supplementary).
  • Select timeframes for action implementation
    • existing action = ongoing from date
    • new action = implement by date
    • (consider the significance of the risk and what is fair and reasonable).
  • Action plan (five year)
Infographic about the freshwater farm plan development process.

Risk identification

  • Consider catchment context challenges and values relevant to farm.
  • Identify land units and associated inherent vulnerabilities and farming/growing activities.
  • Identify risks by considering how inherent vulnerabilities and catchment context factors interact with each farming/growing activity.
  • List of risks to be managed

Risk management

  • Identify existing action(s) to manage risk.
  • Are existing actions sufficient to manage risk?
    • Yes/no
  • Identify new actions to manage risk (consider the significance of the risk and what is fair and reasonable).
  • List of actions to manage risk

Action plan

  • Categorise action type (regulated catchment or supplementary).
  • Select timeframes for action implementation
    • existing action = ongoing from date
    • new action = implement by date
    • (consider the significance of the risk and what is fair and reasonable).
  • Action plan (five year)

Developing a freshwater farm plan

Farmers can develop their own freshwater farm plan, or they can engage an advisor or a freshwater farm plan certifier to assist them.

Guidance and resources will be available to support farmers and those developing plans including:

  • the Ministry’s guidance on Developing a Freshwater Farm Plan (see above)
  • upcoming regional council and industry resources.

This list will be updated as more resources become available.

Farmers and those developing plans can also look to their relevant industry groups and local catchment groups for further support.

Catchment context challenges and values

When developing a freshwater farm plan farmers and growers will need to consider the catchment context, challenges and values (catchment context) relevant to the farm. This is about understanding the farming or growing operation as a part of the local catchment or sub-catchment.

Your regional council will make catchment context information available. It will help farmers and growers to understand the unique environmental features, current environmental health status, cultural values and practices, and important recreational sites of the catchment.

Catchment context information can be found on the relevant Regional Council website and will continue to be made available as freshwater farm plans are rolled out.

Certification and auditing


Freshwater farm plans will need to be certified.

Freshwater farm plan certifiers will be appointed by regional councils. Regional councils will make a list of certifiers available. This information is also available on the freshwater farm plan certifier and auditor register.

Farmers must engage a certifier within 18 months of the regulations applying in their area and support them to conduct the certification process.

Once the freshwater farm plan has been certified the certifier will notify the relevant regional council.

Freshwater farm plans will need to be recertified every 5 years.


Freshwater farm plans will need to be audited within 12 months of the initial certification.

Freshwater farm plan auditors will be appointed by regional councils. Regional councils will make a list of auditors available. This information is also available on the freshwater farm plan certifier and auditor register.

Farmers must arrange for an auditor to audit their farm and support them to conduct the audit.

The auditor will assess whether the farmer is implementing the FWFP as set out in the certified plan.

Once the freshwater farm plan has been audited the auditor will notify the relevant regional council of the audit grade.

The timeframe for the following audit will be determined by the audit grade.

Becoming a freshwater farm plan certifier or auditor

Freshwater farm plan certifiers and auditors may come from a range of backgrounds provided they have the necessary skills and experience (competencies) set out in the regulations.

The appointment process for certifier and auditors will involve:

  • an assessment of their experience and qualifications
  • training on the freshwater farm plan system at national and regional level
  • a practical on-farm assessment (for certifiers only).

The appointment process is run on behalf of Regional Councils by a third-party appointment process manager (AsureQuality).  More information on how to apply to become a FW FP certifier or auditor can be found below.

Once an applicant has completed the appointment process, AsureQuality will make an appointment recommendation to the relevant regional council.  

Role of catchment groups in freshwater farm plans

Catchment groups work within their community and with regional councils to identify their catchment priorities.

They can also play a key role in:

  • supporting the uptake of freshwater farm plans
  • sharing and setting group outcomes
  • advances in farming practice
  • evaluating farm plans as a group to progress catchment outcomes.

How freshwater farm plans fit with regional plans and consents

The Government wants regulations to be fit for purpose so they don’t create an unnecessary compliance burden for farmers and growers.

The Government will review and replace the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020. The Government has already extended the deadline for councils to notify freshwater plans and policy statements by three years until the end of 2027.

Read more information on the NPS-FM reform update.

The Government intends to make changes to resource management laws. A Bill to amend the Resource Management Act (RMA) is expected to be introduced to Parliament in May and passed into law later this year.

As part of the changes, the Government is proposing to remove national intensive winter grazing regulations in time for the 2025 winter grazing season. Existing regulations will remain in place until the RMA Bill is passed. Check with your regional council if you still require a consent for the 2024 season.

How freshwater farm plans work with farm environment plans

Farm environment plans help farmers and growers plan systems and practices that reduce their impact on the environment. Farm environment plans can be used as the basis for freshwater farm plans.

Farmers and growers should continue to use any existing farm environment plans to manage environmental risks until the freshwater farm plan system applies to their farm.

How freshwater farm plans work with industry programmes

Industry programmes will play a key role in enabling effective implementation and delivery of freshwater farm plans.

The freshwater farm plan system will support existing industry programmes being used to meet freshwater farm plan requirements.

We are actively working with industry:

  • to help update programmes to align with the freshwater farm plan requirements
  • looking at options for assurance pathways.

How freshwater farm plans work with integrated farm plans

Freshwater farm plans may become a section within the integrated farm plan framework. Integrated farm planning will provide a single framework for a farmer or grower to bring together all their farm planning requirements into one place. It is not a regulatory tool.

The aim of the integrated approach to farm planning is to:

  • streamline compliance
  • reduce duplication
  • provide a structured approach for farmers and growers to lift performance.

Find out more

For more information on freshwater farm plans contact

Freshwater farm plan guidance

The Ministry for the Environment has been developing guidance to help with the implementation of freshwater farm plans. The guidance will help councils, tangata whenua, farm operators and advisors understand how the freshwater farm plan system works and what they need to do.

See available guidance below. This list will be updated as new guidance becomes available.