National objectives framework

The National Objectives Framework in the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 sets out the process for regional councils, with communities and tangata whenua, to manage freshwater in their regions.

Infographic showing National Objectives Framework and our vision for catchments in the future.

Vision setting: How do you want your catchment to be in the future?

Te Mana o Te Wai hierarchy applied to all decision-making:

  • 1st The health and wellbeing of waterbodies and freshwater ecosystems
  • 2nd The health needs of people (such as drinking water)
  • 3rd People and communities to provide for the social, economic and cultural wellbeing, now and in the future.

Image of a meandering path through a river landscape passing the following signposts and text.

  • What are the values and desired outcomes for your river?
  • Attributes: decide what to monitor and measure to tell you about the state of the river.
  • Baseline state: what is the current state of your river?
  • Target state: decide on whether to maintain or improve the state of the river and when this state should be achieved.
  • Communities and tangata whenua are involved with the regional council at every step.
  • Look after your rivers by setting limits and rules on resource use. Create and apply action plans.
  • Monitor progress towards achieving the targets and environmental outcomes.

When the path reaches a fork there are two directions. One is signposted: Achieving vision. The other is signposted: Not achieving the vision. A signpost on this path reads: Take action to respond to degradation. This path then loops back to the main path at the signpost: Look after your rivers by setting limits and rules on resource use. Create and apply action plans.

Infographic showing National Objectives Framework and our vision for catchments in the future.

Vision setting: How do you want your catchment to be in the future?

Te Mana o Te Wai hierarchy applied to all decision-making:

  • 1st The health and wellbeing of waterbodies and freshwater ecosystems
  • 2nd The health needs of people (such as drinking water)
  • 3rd People and communities to provide for the social, economic and cultural wellbeing, now and in the future.

Image of a meandering path through a river landscape passing the following signposts and text.

  • What are the values and desired outcomes for your river?
  • Attributes: decide what to monitor and measure to tell you about the state of the river.
  • Baseline state: what is the current state of your river?
  • Target state: decide on whether to maintain or improve the state of the river and when this state should be achieved.
  • Communities and tangata whenua are involved with the regional council at every step.
  • Look after your rivers by setting limits and rules on resource use. Create and apply action plans.
  • Monitor progress towards achieving the targets and environmental outcomes.

When the path reaches a fork there are two directions. One is signposted: Achieving vision. The other is signposted: Not achieving the vision. A signpost on this path reads: Take action to respond to degradation. This path then loops back to the main path at the signpost: Look after your rivers by setting limits and rules on resource use. Create and apply action plans.

About the process

Supporting guidance

Hei tuatahitanga, ka arotahi te ārahitanga ki ngā wāhi NPS-FM e waiwai ana mō te whakatutuki i te NOF i runga i te angitu. Kei roto nei ngā whakaritenga o Te Mana o te Wai, ngā wawata paetawhiti mō te wai māori, te whai wāhi a te tangata whenua, te whakahaere kōmitimiti, me te whakamahi i ngā mōhiohio tino pai rawa e wātea mai ana. Me tutuki rawa ēnei i tēnā, i tēnā wāhanga o te NOF.

Kātahi ka whakatakoto te aratohu i ngā hipanga o te NOF. Kei roto ko te whakamāramatanga o te takune kaupapa here me ngā huatau mō ngā mahi papai rawa mō te whakapūmau tepenga ki te whakamahinga o ngā rawa, te tautohu rerenga taiao me ngā tepenga mō te rahi ka tangohia.

This guidance will help councils and others working to implement the National Objectives Framework (NOF) and the National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management 2020 (NPS-FM). The guidance clarifies the policy intent and expectations for applying the NOF. It also identifies the important links and interactions between the fundamental concept of Te Mana o te Wai and other key requirements in the NOF and the wider NPS-FM.

Contact us

If you have queries in relation to this guidance, please email