About the map

This map shows projected future changes to New Zealand’s temperature, rainfall, and wind under different scenarios at a 5 km resolution. It allows individuals, communities, and businesses to explore and understand what our future climate may look like. 

Read understanding climate variables and scenarios used in projections for more information.

How to use this map

  1. Select a climate variable in the left-hand panel.  
  2. Use the right-hand pane to choose the historical base period, the climate change scenario, and future period for which you would like to see the projection. By default the map will show aggregated annual changes, but you can also select a season for most variables. 
  3. Each tile on the map represents a 5 km by 5 km area. The colour of the tile provides an indication of the magnitude of change, with higher colour intensity indicating higher degrees of change. See the legend for details. 
  4. To see more of the terrain and landmarks on the map, tick the “Show terrain” checkbox on the legend. 
  5. To display the specific value of a particular tile, click on the tile. 
  6. Move the map by dragging it with a mouse, or using arrow keys on a keyboard. To zoom, double click on a location. You can also use mouse scroll wheel, use the +/- buttons on the map, or use +/- keys on your keyboard to zoom in and out.  

Data transformation for geospatial projection

The original data has been transformed into a standard NZ geospatial projection (EPSG:2193). This process can result in slightly different values from the original data at particular locations. Grid squares with missing data around the coasts were filled based on a weighted averaging of neighbouring grid squares. Applying these two processes may produce slightly different maximum, minimum, and mean values for spatially aggregated areas, such as territorial authorities, compared to the original data.

Only tiles which have their centre in the mapped area were included for the aggregated areas. 

Provide feedback

Fill out the climate projections form to provide any feedback or contact climatedata@mfe.govt.nz.