About the summary dashboard

This dashboard provides an overview of how key climate variables are projected to change for territorial authorities (not including Chatham Islands).

How to use this dashboard

  1. Select a territorial authority from the dropdown list in the dashboard.  
  2. The dashboard will display graphs and a summary of changes to temperature, rainfall, wind in that area. 
  3. Each graph shows how a climate variable is projected to change over 3 future periods: 2021 – 2040, 2041 – 2060, and 2080 – 2099 
  4. Within each future period, 3 climate change scenarios are presented. A range is shown for each scenario. The bar in the middle indicates the mean projection for that scenario. For more information about the scenarios.

    See Scenarios used in these climate projections.
  5. The graphs show the trajectory of the change in the future; however, the uncertainty range of future projections widens as we project further into the future.  

Provide feedback

Fill out the climate projections form to provide any feedback or contact climatedata@mfe.govt.nz.