Additional information for Our marine environment 2019

Image: TS Images, Photo New Zealand.
New and updated for 2019
This report includes new data on marine litter, though it does not have a separate indicator page.
We would like to thank the following people and organisations for their invaluable contribution to Our marine environment 2019 and Environmental indicators Te taiao Aotearoa: Marine.
We thank the following for providing data for this report:
We thank the following people and organisations for reviewing this report:
We are very grateful for the assistance of the technical advisory group, who provided advice on potential measures and feedback on draft versions of this report.
We also acknowledge Stephen Hunt and Louis Tremblay who provided information for case studies.
This report was compiled by the Ministry for the Environment and Stats NZ’s marine Environmental Reporting team.
Above and below the water at the Mokohinau Islands, Hauraki Gulf.
Credit: Lorna Doogan, Experiencing Marine Reserves
Fishing in Whangaruru, Northland.
Credit: TS Images, Photo New Zealand
Collecting shell fish at low tide, Duders Beach, Firth of Thames
Credit: Sandii McDonald, Photo New Zealand
Rich biodiversity at the Mokohinau Islands, Hauraki Gulf.
Credit: Lorna Doogan, Experiencing Marine Reserves
Stormwater pipe, Paremata Harbour.
Credit: Rob Suisted, Naturespic
Fishing vessel in the Tasman Sea.
Credit: “Mickrick”, istock photos
Credit: T Whittaker
Paremata Mana Plimmerton Porirua Harbour and Kapiti Island
Credit: Colin Monteath, Alamy Australia
Collecting samples for ocean acidification studies along the Munida Transect, off the coast of Otago.
Credit: Dave Allen, NIWA
Northland east coast scene south of Cape Brett
Credit: TS Images, Photo New Zealand.
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Charry MP, Keesing V, Costello M & Tremblay LA (2018). Assessment of the ecotoxicity of urban estuarine sediment using benthic and pelagic copepod bioassays. PeerJ, 6, 19.
Chiba S, Saito H, Fletcher R, Yogi T, Kayo M, Miyagi S, … Fujikura K (2018). Human footprint in the abyss: 30 year records of deep-sea plastic debris. Marine Policy, 96(April), 204–212.
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Clark MR, Bowden DA, Rowden AA & Stewart R (2019). Little Evidence of Benthic Community Resilience to Bottom Trawling on Seamounts After 15 Years. Frontiers in Marine Science, 6, 1–16.
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Cornwall CE, Hepburn CD, Mcgraw CM, Currie KI, Pilditch CA, Hunter KA, … Hurd CL (2013). Diurnal fluctuations in seawater pH influence the response of a calcifying macroalga to ocean acidification. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 280.
Croxall JP, Butchart SHM, Lascelles BG, Stattersfield AJ, Sullivan B, Symes A & Taylor PD (2012). Seabird conservation status, threats and priority actions: a global assessment. Bird Conservation International, 22(1), 1–34.
Cunningham SC, Smith AM & Lamare MD (2016). The effects of elevated pCO2 on growth, shell production and metabolism of cultured juvenile abalone, Haliotis iris. Aquaculture Research, 47(8), 2375–2392.
Dangendorf S, Hay C, Calafat FM, Marcos M, Piecuch CG, Berk K & Jensen J (2019). Persistent acceleration in global sea-level rise since the 1960s. Nature Climate Change, 9.
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