Suppliers of emissions expertise and services

This is a list of companies who have put forward their details as suppliers of emissions expertise and services to the Carbon Neutral Government Programme.

Suppliers and Service Provision

This supplier list is focused on services that support measuring, reporting and verifying greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) and managing and reducing emissions.

Suppliers have been assessed to have capability and experience in one or more of the following areas:

1.1 Advisory services to support the measurement and reporting of GHG emissions in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2018 and / or the Greenhouse Gas Protocol

1.2 Verification services to independently assure GHG statements and inventories, conducted in accordance with ISO 14064-3:2019 or the Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements (ISAE (NZ) 3410) standard

1.3 Verification services which meet third-party accreditation standards or have been assessed and certified by a professional organisation.  Examples of accreditation or certification of verifiers include a professional recognition from the NZICA, a carbon auditor certification from Carbon and Energy Professionals New Zealand (CEP), or organisations accredited to ISO 14065 (accreditation for an assurance provider). 

1.4 Advisory services to analyse, develop, implement, support and manage emissions reduction plans and strategies

1.5 Software solutions or tools or other kinds of support to manage emission reduction plans and strategies.

Many suppliers do not offer both emissions advisory services (1.1) and verification services (1.2 and 1.3) to the same organisation in order to ensure independence in the verification process. Some suppliers internally separate the provision of these services and do offer both. However, this is not common in the market. Consider this when structuring your procurement.

Purpose of this Supplier List

Note that inclusion of a supplier on this webpage is not a formal recommendation from the Ministry for the Environment to appoint any suppliers or contracts. This list is provided for information purposes only for agencies participating in the CNGP. It is not an expert panel, and it is not exhaustive. Agencies should decide on their support needs and organise their own procurement according to their own procurement processes and policy. The information included in this list is as provided by the suppliers and the Ministry is not responsible for any errors contained within.

Want to be added to the supplier list?

To apply to be included on this suppliers list, or to update your listing to include additional service areas please:

Applications will be assessed on a monthly basis.

Ensure your details stay up to date

Please ensure your organisation’s details published are up to date.  If you want to include additional service areas, please complete the attached response form and submit to

How we set up the list

This list has been developed through market engagement using an open process issued via the Government Electronic Tendering System (GETS). Advice from New Zealand Government Procurement (NZGP) has been followed to develop and publish this list. We’ve checked that suppliers listed have capability to supply the services listed above to agencies participating in the Carbon Neutral Government Programme.

Further questions?

If you have any more questions about the suppliers list, contact

Supplier list

Supplier 1.1
Services to measure and report GHG emissions
Independent verification services
Independent verification services which meet accreditation standards
Services to support emission reduction plan and strategies
Software solutions, tools and other support
Abley Yes No No Yes Yes

Abley is a specialist transport and location intelligence consultancy. We assist our clients with measuring and reducing transportation emissions,specifically:

  • Business travel
  • Fleet emissions
  • Commuting emissions.

Our commuter tool is an online platform that allows employers to easily undertake employee travel surveys and access accurate insights on their commuting emissions. Our workplace travel experts are then able to advise on emissions reduction plans, providing practical recommendations to change the way employees travel to work and for work.

Our software and digital engineering teams can assist with analysis of fleet data and bespoke software tools to reduce vehicle kilometres travelled and associated emissions.

Contact to find out more

Advisory Plus Yes No No Yes Yes

Advisory Plus provides carbon accounting services to businesses to help them measure and reduce emissions across their entire supply chain. Our accountants use Local Carbon, carbon accounting software that makes it easy to understand your impact and to connect with other businesses on a shared mission.
We help you identify insights from the data and measure the impact of every decision you make with sustainability in mind, see Carbon Accounting – Advisory Plus

Aecom Yes No No Yes Yes

At AECOM we are proud to have an efficient and proven track record in carbon management services and strong communication skills that support our teams in delivering technically sound, accessible and user-friendly deliverables for clients.

Our streamlined approach and high-level experience enables the team to provide significant time and cost savings for our clients. For example, AECOM has developed a portfolio of templates for emissions calculations based on national data, life cycle assessment data and financial data. These allow for robust, transparent, and efficient carbon inventory development. Much of our work is focused on the central and local government sectors. For example, we have worked extensively with Waka Kotahi, Wellington City Council, Christchurch City Council as well as Rotorua Lakes District Council.

The bets practice inventories developed are comparable with other inventories completed both in New Zealand and internationally. Our projects include key messages for stakeholders including but not limited to:

  • Comprehensively quantifying emissions identifying major emissions sources
  • Highlighting the differences in emission sources between different assets and operations
  • Identifying opportunities for reducing emissions
  • Forecasting emission reductions against targets
  • Review of long-term plans with an emissions reduction perspective

Our targeted reporting style avoids lengthy and complex documents with the aim of focusing information on our clients most important needs by providing key messages and developing an understanding of the inventory details for key stakeholders.

Ahikā Consulting Yes No No Yes No

Ahikā has been providing ideas for sustainable futures since 2007. Our main clients are in the primary sector and include:

  • food processors and manufacturers
  • mining
  • forestry and farming
  • iwi
  • local and central government clients.

Ahikā has been providing carbon emissions reporting since 2010. Our services to support emissions reporting include preparation of an inventory including the setting of first year baseline or ongoing annual GHG reporting.

Ahikā works alongside the client to understand:

  • organisation structure
  • the most suitable reporting period (calendar or financial year)
  • determine the boundary for reporting
  • identifying the correct emissions factors(reported by Govt agencies)
  • methodology for calculating emissions
  • collect the necessary data
  • analysis and reporting according to Scope 1, 2 and 3 requirements.

All this is provided in a clear concise report. Beyond the reporting, Ahikā can assist with developing a reduction plan and strategy. Our expertise will identify opportunities within your organization to improve how energy is used, reducing onsite carbon emissions and waste in your organisation.

Ahikā works at a strategic level and has expertise in

  • steam
  • refrigeration
  • industrial processes
  • air systems
  • waste management and recycling
  • energy efficiency
  • improving energy performance
  • carbon benchmarks.

Please visit our website for more information.

Allen + Clarke No No No Yes Yes

At Allen + Clarke we give a damn – about people, each other, our clients, and about our community, our planet and society. We are trusted advisors to the public sector, businesses and NGOs. Our team can support you to implement the Carbon Neutral Government Programme and develop your emissions reduction plans and strategies. Allen + Clarke works across the entire policy cycle. We undertake strategic and operational policy and regulatory design, implementation, and review. Our staff have a breadth of climate change experience including with the Climate Change Commission, MfE, MPI, MFAT and Australian state-level departments. We have monitored and evaluated climate change programmes in the Pacific. We have expertise working with organisations on strategic planning, designing operating models and frameworks to successfully implement and assess change. Partnership and engagement are at the heart of everything we do. Allen + Clarke can co-design your evaluation frameworks and measure the outcomes of your strategies under the CNGP. We can engage with your staff and other key stakeholders to build capacity across your organisation to implement new programmes and initiatives. We have begun the process to measure and manage our own emissions to provide sustainable services for our clients.

Please visit our website for more information:


Aurecon Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Aurecon is an international engineering, design and advisory company. Operating across a wide range of markets, we work alongside our clients to co-create clever, innovative solutions to some of the worlds most complex challenges, adding value across the project lifecycle through deep technical and advisory expertise.

Aurecon is committed to sustainable practices, to solving environmental challenges and to investing in the well-being of current and future generations.

Aurecon employs 900 staff in New Zealand and 5,400 staff globally. We have a strong team of New Zealand based professionals with skills in Climate Change and Sustainability, and access to 100 more across our wider business.

Aurecon works with organisations and governments to protect and enhance their performance by responding to the risks and opportunities presented by sustainability and climate change. We offer depth of expertise in transition risk services and scenario analysis, climate change adaptation and resilience planning, and future energy solutions.

Aurecon’s deep understanding of technology pathways and options allows us to work with our clients to develop a road-map for their transformation towards a net zero carbon future. Our teams have worked across all levels of government and industry including energy, resources, transport, property and water.

Beca Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

We have strong experience and capabilities in carbon measurement,developing decarbonisation pathways and emissions reduction action plans. Our strength is our ability to provide truly integrated support that aligns strategic insight with multi-disciplinary technical depth and results-based, pragmatic problem-solving.


Our team brings the best of international and national subject-matter expertise like:

  • carbon accounting
  • data and asset management
  • engineering
  • building services.


We are experienced at developing digital dashboardsand modelling decarbonisation trajectories. To help you visualise and implement your carbon reduction journey, we can support you in defining practical or stretch targets (and getting clarity on what isn’t practical).Together we can go from high-level strategic planning to unpacking the details of practical solutions for your chosen targets, including supporting more sustainable procurement decisions.


Our processes and tools deliver actionable and decision-useful insights. Beca is a leader in shaping sustainable, resilient and thriving communities, cities and regions. With longstanding relationships across Aotearoa’s public sector, we understand many government organisations’ climate journeys to-date, infrastructure programmes, governance processes, and the specific opportunities and challenges faced in responding to the climate crisis.


Beca is also on a decarbonisation journey; please see our 2019/20 Sustainability Review.

For more information on Beca's sustainable development 

BraveGen Yes No No No Yes

BraveGen delivers an award winning, cloud and mobile hosted software-as-a-service solution matched with deep subject matter expertise to support an organisation’s evolving needs in Carbon, Sustainability, Environmental, and Health & Safety management.

How we can help: Carbon & Sustainability 

BraveGen enhances the productivity of sustainability teams with solutions that reduce the overhead, complexity, and risks of carbon accounting and sustainability reporting. BraveGen enhances the productivity of sustainability teams with solutions that reduce the overhead, complexity, and risks of carbon accounting and sustainability reporting. 
Our software automates the collection of carbon and broader sustainability data, reinforces best practice data management, and streamlines analysis and reporting to internal stakeholders or external standards such as ISO:14064, GRI, CDP, or GRESB. 
We also have in-house expertise to assist organisations at all stages of their carbon & sustainability journey. Our people can lead boundary exercises, inventory design, year-end carbon reporting, sustainability strategies, GHG inventory expansion projects and much more. 
We are well versed in carbon emissions statements, but do not provide audit services as we sit on the client side, supporting them through the audit process. 

About BraveGen 

Founded in 2008, we are a proud Kiwi company headquartered in Auckland. We work with large to multi-national sized organisations, both private and public, in diverse industries including energy, financial services, primary industries, infrastructure, and property management. 

Carbn Asset Management No No No Yes Yes

Carbn Asset Management (Carbn) are fleet transition specialists, helping NZ businesses, local body and Government organisations on their respective journeys toward zero fleet emissions.


We have wide experience and expertise from within the fleet management, leasing, electrification, and car share sectors, combined with a forward-thinking approach to new technology, data analytics and rapidly evolving fleet propulsion and mobility options. Carbn’s recommendations are built on practical analysis and stakeholder engagement across all areas relating to an organisation’s transport and mobility operation. We challenge the need for fleet vehicles, advise on optimisation opportunities, vehicle redundancies, centralization of vehicle pools, introduction of car share and alternative mobility solutions. Our fleet electrification transition plan includes electric vehicle (EV) viability analysis, annualised cost of transition, electricity capacity and charging infrastructure requirements, budgeting, milestones and timelines. We take an active role in implementing transitions over time, including ongoing reduction reporting against emission targets.


As an independent and impartial organisation, Carbn’s advice is free from commercial interest ensuring that recommendations are based on what is best for our clients. Carbn has critical relationships with suppliers from within the fleet transition chain as well as a strong working relationship with EECA and significant experience with securing low-cost funding and EV specific financing solutions. Carbn’s majority shareholder is New Zealand Green Investment Finance (NZGIF), a Crown Entity.

Carbon and Energy Professionals  No No No No Yes  

CEP can assist organisations covered by the CNGP through:


  • providing training in carbon foot printing
  • identifying emissions reduction opportunities
  • emissions reduction planning.


The emissions reduction planning programme includes the supervised development of an organisational reduction plan. These programmes will assist agencies develop in-house understanding and knowledge either to undertake some of the CNGP required functions internally and/or ensure suppliers are properly briefed and managed though monitoring, advisory and verification processes, smoothing these processes and helping contain costs.


The emissions reduction planning programme includes the supervised development of an organisational reduction plan. These programmes will assist agencies develop in-house understanding and knowledge either to undertake some of the CNGP required functions internally and/or ensure suppliers are properly briefed and managed though monitoring, advisory and verification processes, smoothing these processes and helping contain costs.


Specific programmes include:

  • Preparing a carbon inventory
  • Identifying carbon reduction opportunities
  • CEPro (Planning)
  • Energy auditing  
Climate Navigator No No No Yes No

Today all organisations have an opportunity to position for long-lasting success by embedding bold climate action into their DNA and becoming part of the solution to our greatest global challenge. However climate change is complex and can seem overwhelming, especially to people busy doing their day job. Research shows that many organisations are unclear how to respond to the climate crisis, despite facing growing stakeholder expectations and emerging obligations. And they don't know where to go for help. That’s where we come in.


Climate Navigator works with your team to find pathways to success through bold climate action. We help you re-imagine your low carbon future, transforming culture, services and partnerships for

  • deep organisational change connecting your carbon goals and organisational DNA
  • insights on your wider climate related risks, opportunities and governance
  • innovation pathways navigating through the complexity, uncertainty and ambiguity of transformative change
  • impact assessment and management
  • communicating your story to stakeholders.

Our diverse team has over 100-years collective experience driving strategic action to tackle the climate crisis and associated energy trilemma. Our capabilities include climate risk management, strategy and policy development, transformation programme management, process improvement, innovation process facilitation, community-led solutions and impact measurement and reporting.

CorPlan New Zealand No No No No Yes

As more organisations focus on being sustainable, having a platform that supports setting targets, monitoring and reporting outcomes is critical to demonstrate sustainability performance. CorPlan’s solution – CorEST (CorPlan Environment Sustainability Tracking) is a SaaS solution that supports not only setting targets, but also modelling the various initiatives you are undertaking and the impact of these on lowering your environment footprint. The platform is delivered on the world-class planning and reporting solution, IBM Planning Analytics with Watson, and is offered as a cloud platform, as a service, delivered through best inclass browsers and through MS Excel integration – but without the headaches that a spreadsheet platform brings.
The CorEST solution will help you:

  • Measure, verify and report your emissions annually
  • Set gross emissions reduction targets and longer-term reduction plans
  • Develop a plan to reduce your organisation’s emissions
  • Supporting required reporting, modelling, and “what-f” scenario planning
  • Integrate with financial and operational planning, and…

…Is delivered on an integrated performance management platform that eliminates the need for manual disconnected spreadsheet-based processes. The three (3) areas CorEST supports include regulatory demands, attracting talent to your organisation and increased productivity.

Data Insight Limited No No No No Yes

Data Insight empowers every person and organisation to achieve more with data. We exist to turn data into insights, powering data-driven decision making and creating enduring value with data. Sustainability data and emissions calculations are no exception, and Data Insight is passionate about helping businesses reach their sustainability goals. Data Insight has deep experience across a range of verticals including retail, FMCG, banking, finance and insurance, telecommunications, travel & tourism, entertainment, healthcare, not-forprofits, utilities and government. This deep experience enables Data Insight to effectively partner with clients across many industries to assist on their sustainability journey. Data Insight supports businesses to determine their data, modelling and visualization strategies for sustainability. We assist organisations to automate data collection to fulfil measurement or certification requirements, and provide reporting to fulfil ISO 14064-1:2018 or GHG requirements. Data Insight also offers advanced analytics and insights to report on emissions reduction initiatives and their effectiveness. Our data visualization services leverage machine learning to enable businesses to predict and optimise future emissions reduction scenarios and understand their actions to meet future targets. Prediction models help identify key influencers of emissions and where best to target reductions. Data Insight’s automation, visualisation, and prediction helps organisations calculate, monitor, understand and reduce emissions, freeing up internal team members from manual data processes and enabling them to focus on actions and results.

For more information see Data Insight - Data Analytics Consulting

Deloitte Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Deloitte provides a full spectrum of services:

  • GHG measurement and audit
    • Operating model assessment to define sources, sinks and boundaries
    • Definition of emissions reporting requirements
    • Data collection, maturity-mapping
  • GHG readiness and assurance (as well as other related assurance offerings UEF verification, ESG Due Diligence, ETS advisory)
  • Analysis, strategy and planning
    • Emissions analysis, scenario modelling
    • Operating model design for a low emissions future
    • Development of decarbonisation interventions across scopes – from quick wins to transformation opportunities, in alignment with other similar agencies
    • Prioritisation of decarbonisation choices – understanding financial/non-financial trade-offs
    • Strategy and planning
    • Leadership engagement
  • Performance management and delivery support
    • Emissions reporting
    • PMO, change management, business cases, bids

Our technology solutions


Why Deloitte?


DETA Consulting Yes No No Yes Yes

DETA Consulting is New Zealand’s leading carbon, optimisation, and project delivery partner. We were born out of energy efficiency but have grown and evolved to deliver services across the sustainability spectrum carbon footprint and decarbonisation roadmapping, through to business case development, and then support to achieve real carbon savings with our project management team. As leaders in decarbonisation, we regularly train others through our CEP engagement, and by sharing our expertise through white papers including our Roadmap to 2050 guide.

We analyse the impact of our solutions on the client’s operation as a whole – we consider practicality, health and safety, business, and environmental concerns. We ensure our analysis is “real” and that customers can make informed decisions. Together with our customers we deliver quality, strategic, results. We have extensive and broad government decarbonisation experience – today we are working alongside health boards, government agencies, corrections, and schools to achieve a lower carbon world. Our ‘why’ is Sustainable Action for a Better Tomorrow – we’re excited to be able to play a significant role in helping New Zealand achieve its low carbon future.

EcoFixa Yes No No No Yes

EcoFixa is a New Zealand designed and built software platform which empowers organisations and the people within them to track their own commute carbon data in real time. This is done through an engaging, easy to use and gamified app, which enables teams to compete together in a fun manner towards monthly prizes, encouraging positive mode shift and therefore reducing Scope 3 commute emissions.

Available across iOS, Android and Desktop, and with NFC tag integration making logging individual journeys seamless, tracking staff commute footprint and Good Deeds has never been easier. The app is even accessible to remote workers outside of data range, recording activity and logging as soon as back in cell reception.

EcoFixa not only helps solve team engagement and staff commute reporting challenges, but offers a one-stop sustainability hub to encourage employees to take part in key sustainability initiatives, whether that be planting days, Earth Month, Car Free Day or Bike Month. The higher the team engagement each month, the more likely they are to win the monthly prize.

Our platform data is compatible with all leading carbon inventory management and auditing systems, and will soon be verified as suitable for use in an ISO 14064-1:2018 & GHG Protocol compliant inventory, including a Toitū carbonreduce or Toitū net carbonzero certified inventory.

Edge Environment Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Established in 2008, Edge is a specialist sustainability advisory company focused on Asia-Pacific and the Americas. Our teams are based in Australia, New Zealand, the United States and Chile. We exist to help our clients create value from tackling one of world’s most fundamental challenges: creating truly sustainable economies and societies. We do this by combining science, strategy and storytelling in a way that gives our clients the confidence to take ambitious action and do well by doing good. We support our clients by working across six areas:


  • Sustainability leadership and communications
  • Sustainability strategy
  • Carbon and climate resilience
  • Circular economy and lifecycle thinking
  • Sustainable and ethical procurement
  • Sustainable delivery

In bringing together these diverse services, we are perfectly placed to guide clients from first steps to sustainability leadership, and from strategy through to on-the-ground implementation. We have a particularly strong record in carbon measurement and mitigation strategy. Our team developed Australasia’s first Science Based Target for Singtel-Optus, since which time we have completed similar projects for clients spanning property and education throughto wine production. Our team includes several registered Climate Active consultants and certified LCA consultants, as well as the former president of the Australian Life Cycle Assessment Society.

Ekos Kamahi Yes No No Yes Yes

Ekos provides greenhouse gas measurement, reporting and offsetting services. Our procedures are compliant with both ISO 14064-1:2018 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol.


We offer four certifications:


  1. Carbon Friendly, clients completing an on-line self-assessment of their footprint (not ISO compliant)
  2. Carbon Conscious, clients work with Ekos to measure their footprint and develops a reduction plan
  3. Zero Carbon, clients work with Ekos to measure their footprint, develops a reduction plan and offsets 100% of their footprint
  4. Climate positive, clients work with Ekos to measure their footprint, develop a reduction plan and offsets 120% of their footprint.


Ekos also offers carbon reduction planning and reporting service in one or more of the following:


  1. Provision of tools in carbon reduction and target setting
  2. Deliveringworkshops to identify reduction initiatives and prioritise actions according to cost and importance
  3. The provision of marginal abatement cost analysis of the prioritised actions.
Endless River Yes No No Yes Yes

Endless River has a thorough working knowledge and understanding of the GHG inventory requirements in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2019Endless River is able to provide a wide range of services, which include:


  • Scope definition and assistance with goal setting for organisation
  • Auditing and measurement of carbon footprint
  • GHG baseline inventory and reporting
  • Development and assistance with implementing a GHG reduction plan
  • Ongoing support and guidance on reduction plan
  • Economic analysis and impact of achieving GHG reduction goals


Endless River have qualifications and experience in Agriculture, Business Administration, Civil Engineering, Construction, Economics, and Environmental Science & Political Science, and is able to provide practical, demonstrable advice and support to a wide range of industries.

Energy NZ Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Energy NZ provides organisations, businesses and industry associations with in-depth carbon emission footprint analysis studies and devises strategies for carbon reduction through improved energy efficiency, new technologies and fuel switching to lower carbon options. We provide workshop-style brainstorming and training sessions to educate clients on ways to decarbonise their organisations and motivate staff. We provide clients with emission reduction pathways, feasibility studies and project management services.


We also partner with, so we can provide an internal communication platform which streams ongoing performance data and visualisations to digital screens and desktop and mobile devices

Energy and Technical Services Yes No No Yes Yes

CarbonEES® are one New Zealand’s leading providers of energy management and Greenhouse Gas emissions tracking and reporting services. Working throughout New Zealand, we have a mixture of high profile, private and public sector clients, where we provide end-to-end GHG emission tracking and reporting services through our leading e-Bench® Software As A Service system (click the trial login to access the software).


CarbonEES® deploy a multi part engagement process, including the establishment of the GHG organisation boundaries, identification of the data streams that need to be captured to form the emissions inventory, its aggregation into the Carbon footprint and finally the development of GHG reduction and decarbonisation strategies based on the nature of the data stream themselves.

CarbonEES also walk the talk as we are Carbonzero accredited with GHG emissions down 74% against our 2010/2011 baseline year. We are also foundation members of the Carbon and Energy Professionals (CEP), members of the Sustainable Business Network (SBN), Sustainable Business Council (SBC), New Zealand Green Building Council (NZGBC) and signatories to the Climate Leaders Coalition (CLC).

Energy Solution Providers Yes No No Yes Yes


Energy Solution Providers Ltd (ESP), is an award-winning, New Zealand owned and operated expert in utility management and carbon efficiency .ESP provides organisations with action able insights spanning the gulf between intent and action. We’ve helped organisations achieve operational excellence and reduced operating costs through waste reduction, improved asset utilisation and improved sustainability for over 20years. ESP’s digital solutions and advisory services will enable you to find and make issues visible, enable stakeholders to take action, change behaviours and ultimately make tangible, sustainable impacts. Key figures include

  • Over $60M in utility savings delivered to date.
  • Over 49,678 tonnes of carbon emissions avoided.
  • Over 150 customers, monitoring 1,000+ sites with over 1M data points every day.
  • 17 organizations  currently utilize ESP data to achieve Toitu Carbon Zero/reduce certifications
  • ESP and our clients have collected8 EECA award wins and 3 commendations
  • ESP won the 2021 Facilities Managers Association of New Zealand Service provider of the year due to the environmental and economic results we have enabled for our clients.


To get in contact please visit or email


EnergyPro Solutions  Yes No No Yes Yes

EnergyPro Solutions Limited is a carbon and utilities information management specialist,offering enterprise grade software (EnergyPro®) services and consultancy since 1992. To help accelerate carbon reduction plans and strategies, we have developed EnergyPro®, a comprehensive cloud-based Carbon and Utilities Information Management System (CUMS) that enables efficient and accurate data capture, monitoring, reporting and targeting of ISO 14064-1 based carbon emission activities, including out of scope activities such as water, waste to recycle, and steam.


We work extensively with sustainability and energy teams to provide services including but not limited to:

  • Implementing a smart framework and robust platform for best practicemanagement
  • Organisation-wide Carbon and Utilities monitoring and reporting
  • Executive reporting and communications
  • Preparing budgets and targets with on-going monitoring and reporting on variations
  • Training and management workshops
  • Carbon and utilities management consultancy
  • Invoice verification and processing, integrating with financial systems.


We have a nationwide client base comprising of some of NewZealand’s largest public companies, Councils, DHB’s and Tertiary Institutes. For more information visit or for a no obligation consult to understand how we can help achieve your sustainability and carbon goals please contact us on or 09 622 1180.

Environmental Accounting Services (EAS) Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Since 2007, Environmental Accounting Services has assisted governments, corporations, industry bodies, businesses, communities and educational institutions across the world to be part of a decarbonised future.

We help our clients understand what they can do to mitigate their effect on the environment, meet their Paris Agreement obligations, and play their part in reducing climate change. Our team of highly skilled technical experts is deeply passionate about what we do and who we do it for.

We help businesses make real, quantifiable change that goes well beyond trading carbon credits. We do this by helping change mindsets and by showing how we can do more with less.
Aligning with our values, we do this through:

  • Education: We provide understandable education, resources, information and training.
  • Advisory: We collaborate and develop to set international standards to continually improve the industry.
  • Ensuring accountability: We help businesses and nations to be accountable by providing auditing and reporting services.

Learn more about how we can help, visit our website.

Ernest Young Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

EY can support government agencies under the CNGP to measure, compile, manage, and verify and report emissions inventories and support annual emission reduction plans and strategies, and to develop longer-term reduction plans to meet gross emissions reduction targets. EY’s NZ Climate Change and Sustainability Services (‘CCaSS’) team has unparalleled access to a global network of sustainability and climate risk subject matter experts, and a proven track record of supporting New Zealand public and private sector clients in understanding and enabling decarbonisation pathways. We have a stakeholder-focused ethos, and pride ourselves in working alongside our clients to support the optimal outcome at the highest professional standards.


EY has developed a net zero pathway tool that can model different mitigation options to identify greatest saving and abatement potential. EY NZ’s CCaSS leadership team of Pip Best (Partner) Matthew Cowie (Director) and Gerri Ward (Director) – supported by a team of ten technical carbon experts - have deep knowledge and expertise in public service decarbonisation pathways, and broad personal experience with carbon neutrality programmes across the public and private sectors.

Our Australian CCaSSteam has also developed emissions trajectories and reduction actions with the Australian Federal and State governments, in line with the Climate Active Programme: the Australian Government’s carbon neutral standard.

Genesis Yes No No Yes Yes

Genesis’ purpose to empower New Zealand’s sustainable future materialises for our large customer’s as support to decarbonise their energy use. Genesis has partnered with sustainability, carbon and engineering consultants DETA, to deliver more than 20 energy audits as well as large scale decarbonisation projects and emissions reporting across NZ industries and institutions. Genesis energy and carbon market supply and expertise along with DETA’s carbon and energy optimisation expertise combine two skill sets which are second to none in the industry.
DETA’s technical team, including five accredited CEP Certified Energy Masters, is the largest in New Zealand with a very strong track record of delivering relevant energy and carbon projects that have realistic, implementable solutions to make a real difference to the energy consumption of our customers. Both DETA Consulting and Genesis Energy are founding partners of CEP; testament to our commitment to the industry and the organisation. Contact Genesis to request support for your emissions measurement and reporting or emission reduction planning and implementation.

GoodSense No No No Yes No

GoodSense has the skills and experience to provide advisory services to agencies on the communication and promotion of their leadership and progress to Carbon Neutrality. We will help you tell your climate leadership stories. Communicating strategies, goals and achievements in an effective way is fundamental to achieving the stated goal for agencies of demonstrating climate leadership. (“The CNGP is a long-term programme designed to accelerate the emissions reduction journeys of 120+ agencies across Government and demonstrate climate leadership.”


We can advise agencies on how to most effectively communicate the information in their reports to relevant audiences and stakeholders. Our experienced team are Aotearoa’s leaders in marketing sustainability, having specialised in this area since 2010. Our skills have been used by NZ Post and by the National Science Challenges for Sustainable Seas and Building Better among hundreds of other organisations. We are skilled at making your strategies and reports accessible, relevant and compelling for your different audiences and stakeholders and at supporting our clients to choose and use the most appropriate communication channels.


Our expertise spans:

  • planning and strategy
  • writing, content planning and creation
  • digital communication
  • media relations. 
Hydrock Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Hydrock is a leading integrated engineering design, energy, and sustainability consultancy. Our smart energy and sustainability business focuses on delivering low and zero carbon projects, energy efficiency studies, and carbon management and energy sustainability strategies. We use the latest low carbon technologies and strategies, including One Click LCA and eTool, to develop solutions that provide smarter energy infrastructure, increased efficiency, and reduced costs.

Our services include Life Cycle Assessment Reports, international standards assurance, and carbon reduction targets. We place a strong emphasis on technical viability, environmental and economic constraints, and facilitating the behavioural change required for effective strategy implementation.

In addition to our sustainability services, Hydrock offers a wide range of services including Structural & Civil Engineering, Building Performance Engineering, Infrastructure, Land Quality, Transportation, Programme Delivery, Fire Engineering, Acoustics & Air Quality, Nuclear Management, and Flood. Learn more about Hydrock’s services.

Carbon Verification and Validation | Hydrock

Infrastructure Sustainability Council Yes No No Yes Yes

IS Council is a member-based, not-for-profit peak body operating in Aotearoa New Zealand & Australia.

The Infrastructure Sustainability (IS) Rating Scheme is a voluntary standard for delivering third-party verified sustainability outcomes in infrastructure. An IS Rating is available for all stages from early planning through design and construction, and into operation of assets. Asset categories that can achieve IS rating include transport, water, energy, ports, airports, social infrastructure and green and blue infrastructure. The scheme can assess the sustainability performance of infrastructure at the individual asset level, for portfolios or networks, or even at a regional scale.

The tools cover four sustainability themes – Governance, Economic, Environment and Social, each theme has several credits. A project is scored on sustainability performance in each credit.

The IS scheme is increasingly mandated by procurers across Australia, NZ and beyond (including Waka Kotahi) with over $200B capital value of infrastructure under or having undergone rating, providing a great data set for benchmarking purposes. The tool was assessed by Stanford University as the “most comprehensive and rigorous” rating system of those reviewed.

IS Council hosts collaborative community of practice, delivers events, undertakes training, capacity building and advocacy.

Jacobs New Zealand Ltd Yes No Yes Yes Yes

At Jacobs, we’re challenging today to reinvent tomorrow by solving the world’s most critical problems for thriving cities and resilient environments. With $15 billion in revenue and a talent force of more than 62,000, Jacobs provides a full spectrum of professional services including strategic consulting, technical, scientific, engineering and project delivery.

We understand the challenges you face when working to reduce carbon emissions from our own experience setting and managing our ambitious corporate carbon management plan. With more than 20 years supporting clients’ environmental and carbon management needs, we apply our knowledge and lessons learned to help you meet your goals and navigate the complex, evolving regulatory landscape. Our experts participate in advisory panels and round tables (e.g. for SBTi), setting sustainability standards and developing tools. We apply the expertise gained through these assignments to develop a tailored approach to meet your goals.

Our services include:

  • Decarbonisation Strategies (including Net Zero Labs and our Carbon First)
  • Resource Productivity – carbon & energy, materials & waste, circularity
  • Supply chain & product sustainability analysis
  • Sustainability, ESG & carbon reporting and data management
  • Energy & carbon management systems
  • Buildings and infrastructure embodied carbon analysis
  • Support services such as engineering design, digital solutions, environmental planning
Korimako Limited No No No Yes No

Korimako supports organisations to create a radical shift in scale and speed of climate action. We have known for some time what needs to be done to address climate change- yet action has remained too small, slow and incremental. So we help our partners to turn climate action into an urgent mission, face what has been limiting change, and design implementation plans that go deeply into the 'how'.


Our mission-led planning approach is based on:

  • Mission Implementation Platform models
  • Process and portfolio management
  • Enablers of change–including transformative investment and economic models, deeper collaboration, digital innovation and public policy 
KPMG Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes KPMG is one of New Zealand’s leading professional services firms. We have been working closely with communities across Aotearoa New Zealand for over 150 years to solve problems and deliver results. We understand the unique nature and challenges the public sector faces and are aware of our critical part in providing support to fuel the prosperity of our country and our people. We assist government organisations to accelerate and communicate their journey to ‘carbon neutral.’ We support the measurement and reporting of GHG emissions in accordance with ISO14064-1:2018 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol; conduct gap analyses of GHG management systems and controls. KPMG can provide further support in embedding climate resilient processes, including reduction plans and climate change response strategies, and facilitating implementation of climate resilient operations. KPMG is a global provider of independent GHG assurance services. KPMG’s assurance and verification services are led by FMA Licensed Auditors who hold Chartered Accountant or Certified Public Accountant qualifications, trained in accordance with professional standards to deliver quality work and provide comfort to preparers and users of emissions reports. Our credentialed experts in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch can assist you through one-off services or multi-year engagements tailored to achieve your emissions targets.
LinearLab No No No No Yes LinearLab is an innovative technical company, founded with the purpose of developing solutions for a wide range of applications and industries. From the stratosphere to manufacturing plants our solutions have been effective in the most technically challenging environments. The company has a wealth of technological experience in AI,ML (machine Learning), engineering skills and intellectual property developed through our involvement in breakthrough technologies, pioneering missions, science programs and research work. Our in-house data-led simulation capabilitieshas enabled businesses and organizations to be more effective, efficient,and reduce their carbon footprint. Extensive experience in high-tech control and monitoring systems, supported by sophisticated  data driven analytics and reporting systems enables our breakthrough solutions to support the global drive towards achieving Net Zero.
Lumen Limited Yes No No Yes Yes

We are Lumen – the friendly bunch of experts, helping to deliver low carbon solutions for a better, brighter future. We’re a pioneer in decarbonisation and our clients tell us they love working with us because of our down-to-earth, no-nonsense approach to consulting. We offer a full range of GHG emissions services – right from developing your first GHG inventory, setting internal emissions targets, identifying practical emissions reduction strategies, to supporting you to report and track your organisations GHG performance.

Our overall approach is to up-skill your organisation with the knowledge and tools to produce and track your GHG emissions, primarily using internal resources, whilst leveraging our expertise to add value. In our experience, this approach significantly minimises reporting costs and allows your organisation to focus their efforts on what’s most important - reducing their emissions.

When it comes to reducing emissions we follow the ‘Avoid, Reduce, Switch’ framework:
Avoid – how can we avoid emissions entirely?
Reduce – how can we do things more efficiency to reduce emissions?
Switch – what new low emissions technology can be used? This allows us to prioritise emissions reductions opportunities and develop a roadmap for reducing emissions.
No matter where you are in your decarbonisation journey, we can help your organisation measure, manage and reduce your GHG emissions. 

Contact to find out more.

McHugh & Shaw No Yes Yes No No

McHugh & Shaw has provided independent assurance services in Aotearoa New Zealand and overseas since 2012. Jeska McHugh leads an experienced team that services government agencies, both small and complex. We provide a personalised approach with a seamless start-to-finish service. More information is available at or contact Jeska directly at

Merkle Aotearoa No No No No Yes Sanpō yoshi is a business philosophy we share with our parent company, dentsu. It translates to "good for three parties" and is about ensuring that business benefits everyone: good for business, good for clients, good for society.
We take this philosophy seriously at Merkle Aotearoa, which made it an easy decision to stand up a dedicated Sustainability Practice built around Salesforce's market leading sustainability management solution, Net Zero Cloud.
To ensure you’ll be up and running quickly, with a compliant and cost-effective solution, we have developed an accelerator tailored to your CNGP requirements.
We have partnered with Toitū Envirocare to get endorsement for our implementation methodology. This gives you certainty that our Net Zero Cloud implementation will provide the necessary information required for an audit against the ISO 14064 standard.
Our Managed Services team will provide ongoing support once you’re up and running, so your solution continues to evolve as new requirements and legislative changes occur.
Metis Yes No No Yes Yes

We're not a faceless large consultancy - when you work with Metis you receive our undivided attention and dedication. Home to a diverse and inclusive workforce, our team have international roots and half of our joint NZ / UK technical team are female –which is incredibly rare in engineering. Our unique, integrated and personal approach to civil and environmental engineering means you receive a service like no other. We have already provided more than 10 years of continuous service to some of our clients. Climate change adaptation has never been a more urgent issue. We develop scalable and adaptable tools bespoke to our clients’ specific challenges to tackle this issue within the public infrastructure sector.

Our practical and tested approach improves the understanding of the whole life carbon footprint of capital projects and maintenance activities. The method aligns with PAS 2080:2018–the international standard for managing infrastructure carbon. The outputs show how carbon can be reduced and managed–along with aligning with GHG Protocols and ISO 14064:2018. This drives low-carbon decision making and helps stakeholders achieve their climate related goals. For more information and case studies –please see our website.

Morphum Environment Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Morphum Environmental’s journey began over 20 years ago, when we set out to deliver environmental change for a sustainable future. As environmental consultants, sustainability is at the core of our business. With deep understanding of environmental and sustainable business best practice, our multi-disciplinary team of experienced sustainability consultants, environmental engineers, scientists, and geospatial analysts are committed to supporting businesses to adopt more sustainable outcomes into their business practices and projects. Navigating the constantly evolving landscape of sustainable business practice can be a complex journey – particularly within limited budgets or timeframes.


Morphum supports our clients by working collaboratively to build upon existing efforts, identify new opportunities and empower clients with the strategy, tools and education to deliver meaningful impact. We can help with:

  • Greenhouse gas emissions measurement and management
  • Climate adaptation planning including dynamic adaptation policy pathways
  • Sustainability policy and strategy development
  • Sustainability reporting and metrics (including integrated reporting, Global Reporting Initiative, carbonzero)
  • Environmental management systems (including ISO14001)
  • Sustainability advice in infrastructure projects or large asset programmes (including ISCA)
  • Resource use and efficiency (waste, energy, water, materials)
  • Lifecycle assessment
  • Environmental risk
  • Sustainability frameworks and associated certifications
  • Education and on-going support.


To find out more or enquire visit our website

Mott MacDonald Yes No No Yes Yes

Mott MacDonald provides a carbon management service targeted at the reduction of carbon emissions from the delivery and operation of infrastructure. Our service and approach is based around PAS 2080, with the aim of creating organisational change and delivering repeatable carbon and cost reductions:

The services we provide include:

  • PAS 2080 Gap analysis
  • Carbon reduction strategies
  • Net zero carbon roadmaps
  • Target setting
  • Carbon baselining
  • Hot Spot identification
  • Project optioneering
  • Carbon monitoring and reporting
  • Energy modelling for buildings
  • NABERSNZ ratings
  • Building performance assessments
  • Assessing material values and embodied carbon impacts of projects

Central to our services are the use of the Moata Carbon Portal and BRANZ LCA tools, together with other digital solutions. These tools, together with wrap around advisory and engineering advisory services utilise domain experience to provide efficient and cost effective options for calculating and comparing carbon emissions. Moata Carbon Portal links with a number of local and international emission libraries, including:

  • MCP NZ Water library
  • BRANX CO2nstruct library
  • ISCA V2 library
  • CANDY library

Moata Carbon Portal is BIM enabled and can connect with bill of quantity spreadsheets to enable quick and efficient option comparisons at all stages of design

MRCagney No No No Yes Yes

MRCagney is New Zealand’s leading sustainable transport consultancy. We specialise in low carbon modes of public transport, walking and cycling and are experts in travel demand management, parking policy and strategic planning for traffic reduction. This means we can help organisations better understand their current transport emissions profiles and opportunities for change, and/or develop workplace travel plans.Relevant services include:

  • Transport Advisory
  • Data Analysis and Visualisation
  • Travel Demand Management
  • Transport emission reduction plans and monitoring 
MyImprint Yes Yes Yes Yes No

MyImprint  is headquartered in Tairawhiti (Gisborne) with our team of consultants based in Hawke's Bay and Canterbury.

Taking steps to lower your emissions has many benefits like:


  • it improves your profile
  • creates new work opportunities, strengthens existing client relationships
  • saves money
  • most importantly ensures you are contributing to a better future.


We make it easy for you to understand and track your greenhouse gas emissions and we support you to lower your imprint on the environment. We demystify carbon emissions, simplify the process and clearly define the actions you can take to improve your imprint.


The NZ Government has committed to become Carbon Zero by 2050. We therefore need to play our part in reducing greenhouse gas emissions and help new Zealand achieve our Carbon Zero goal.
All carbon emissions assessment work is completed using the latest ISO 14064-1(2018) Standard and GHG Protocal Corporate Accounting and Reporting Standards.

We work in a range of industries and cater for a variety of projects with services covering:

  • project profiling
  • business assessments
  • carbon roadmaps
  • households
  • research

Email or call 0800 10 2015 to discuss how we can assist your organisation

Norman Disney & Young Yes No No Yes Yes

NDY provides Decarbonisation Services to support businesses and projects in their Net Zero journey. Information on our service and how we can support you can be found on our dedicated decarbonisation website link:

Oxygen Consulting Yes Yes No Yes No

Oxygen Consulting is a leading New Zealand-owned sustainability consultancy, providing expert sustainability services to organisations, from those who are just getting started, to more advanced sustainability leaders. We have over 25 years’ experience helping organisations develop their emissions inventories, set meaningful targets and develop action plans to meet their emissions and sustainable development goals.

Opportune Ltd Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Opportune is a boutique advisory and audit firm with staff that have delivered climate-related services for over 10 years in New Zealand and within the European Union.

We pride ourselves on our technical expertise and our ability to communicate information in an easy-to-understand manner for all stakeholders because we know that emissions reduction plans can have a wide-ranging impact across an organisation.

Our audit division is known for providing efficient verification services, value-add findings and recommendations, in an audit-friendly manner.

Core services we deliver include:

  • Verification of GHG statements and inventories, conducted in accordance with ISO 14064- 3: 2019 or the Assurance Engagements on Greenhouse Gas Statements (ISAE (NZ) 3410) standard.
  • Development of emissions measurement and reporting frameworks
  • Creation of emission reduction plans and target setting

Our services are delivered in line with the applicable standards, ISO 14064-1:2018 and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol .

We have a suite of tools and methodologies to help organisations develop a Pathway to Net Zero, identify emission reduction opportunities, and compare reduction opportunities for cost impact and abatement potential.

Our verification services allow organisations to publicly demonstrate an independent verifier has assessed their Emissions Reduction and Net Zero goals.

Pattle Delamore Partners Yes No No Yes Yes

Pattle Delamore Partners (PDP) is a wholly New Zealand owned environmental consultancy with over 35 years in business. PDP’s staff have experience in organisational, local, national and international carbon reporting and accounting. Together with a broad understanding of emissions sources and environmental issues across a wide range of sectors and ongoing commitment to investing in this sector, PDP is ideally placed to contribute to the Carbon Neutral Government Programme (CNGP).


PDP’s integrated Sustainable Business Strategy recognises the critical importance of SDG 13 Climate Action. PDP is investing in staff to develop our services for this rapidly emerging market, recognising that through our services we can have the biggest impact in achieving critical emission reductions, such as through services for the CNGP. PDP is multi-disciplinary with environmental engineers and scientists that provide integrated solutions and a wide perspective. Our experienced team has the skills to develop emissions reductions plans that are evidence-based, ambitious and achievable for the long-term. PDP has a strong track record in developing and implementing robust tools and models to support strategy development.


PDP is “walking the talk” with our own carbon calculator that incorporatespredictive tools to test reduction scenarios and our carbon reduction

Point Advisory Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Point Advisory
 is a dedicated sustainability consulting firm working across Australia, New Zealand, Singapore and the UK. We have extensive experience assisting corporate and government clients in the measurement, management and offsetting of greenhouse gas emissions. We have assisted clients in:


  • compiling organisational emissions inventories
  • setting science-based emission reduction targets, and developing monitoring and evaluation programs
  • emissions reduction action planning
  • building dynamic, customised tools to visualise emissions reduction pathways
  • auditing and verifying carbon inventories
  • procuring robust carbon offsets to neutralise residual emissions.

Clients benefit from our deep and practical experience working in line with the world’s most credible and respected standards, frameworks and guidelines. We also provide deep expertise across engineering, science and economic disciplines ensuring our work is robust and technically sound.

PwC Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

As an end-to-end professional services provider, PwC will support all aspects of your carbon neutral journey from strategy to execution including:


  • foot printing and assurance
  • decarbonisation roadmap
  • embedding operational change
  • financial analysis and support with accessing capital.

Our Sustainability and Climate Change team supports clients to apply a sustainability lens across their whole organisation, to consider and respond to the challenges of climate change. Our close relationships across the Public Sector offers a comprehensive understanding of best practice for government agencies in managing their carbon neutral journey.


Engaging us means developing GHG inventories and carbon neutral strategy that is supported by a deep pool of experience, driven by our local team of specialists.


  • We are Certified by The Climate Registry in Proficiency, Basics of Organizational GHG Accounting and Reporting and can calculate and report emissions aligned to the GHG Protocol or ISO 14064-1:2018.
  • PwC is a licensed auditor able to independently assure GHG emissions in accordance with ISAE(NZ) 3410.
  • We can employ a range of tools for emissions measurement and management including excel tools (publicly available or developed in-house),Power BI, other analytics tools and dashboards, and Salesforce Sustainability Cloud which we worked closely with Salesforce to develop.
RSK New Zealand Yes No No Yes Yes

RSK is a fully integrated, environmental, engineering and technical services group consisting of over 100 businesses and employing more than 6,000 specialists. The group is headquartered in the United Kingdom and has an established presence in more than 40 countries around the world. With a turnover of over £250m, the company was ranked the second-largest environmental consultancy in the UK by Environment Analyst in its 2020 Market Assessment Report.

RSK has a diverse client base but mainly services key accounts for clients in water, energy, property, manufacturing, government and transport.

Our commitment to environmental excellence and health and safety is shown in our own certification to the ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 international standards for quality, environmental management and health and safety management.

The quantification, reporting, management and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is one of our core offerings. Our services to the NZ government will be locally led and supported by specialists from the UK, where these service requirements are more mature and embedded in legislation. We have been undertaking these services for 20+ years and continue to grow our capability and capacity to meet the huge demand generated by the climate crisis. We can offer the full range of services to support the government’s goals in this field.

Our own sustainability commitment is demonstrated by our guiding principles and our sustainability route map, against which we report each year. We are also signatories to the Pledge to Net Zero, a commitment from organisations in the environmental sector to take a leadership role in the transition to a net zero carbon economy.

RSK New Zealand was established in April 2021, and through RSK Group’s global network now offers a wide range of environmental, engineering and technical services to the New Zealand market.

Simply Energy          

Simply Energy is part of the Contact Group and is dedicated to providing energy supply and solutions to the commercial and industrial sectors. We guide businesses towards sustainable energy practices with a pragmatic, direct, and collaborative approach underpinned by decades of market expertise.

Alongside flexible energy supply, we offer a comprehensive range of advisory services and technology solutions that enable commercial and industrial businesses to reduce their electrification and energy costs while speeding up their transition to net zero. 

Here’s how we can help:


Whether you need assistance accessing low-cost electrical capacity, identifying energy and network cost savings, or modelling wind, solar and storage options, we have a dedicated team of specialists ready to help.


We offer a range of solutions including:

  • Site iQ offers a simple way to understand occupancy and reduce your building’s energy, equipment, and space costs.
  • Simply Flex helps you save money and generate revenue simply by turning equipment off when the grid needs support or adjusting your energy usage during peak times. 
  • Carbon iQ provides detailed electricity emission data for every half-hour of electricity you use. The data is approved for use in Toitū carbon programmes.


We provide electricity supply options backed by Contact’s renewable energy sources. These include long-term agreements that incentivise flexibility and reduce electrification costs.

Smart Power Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Fine-tuned over 25 years, working with many government agencies, Smart Power has a suite of monitoring and technical services to help you on your journey through the carbon management cycle including:


  • Data capture, integrity checks, verification and management
  • Monthly, quarterly and annual reporting
  • Analysis
  • benchmarking
  • development of management plans and reduction strategies


Smart Power’s online customer portal - eSmart – provides a range of flexible data visualisations and analysis/summary functions, perfect for regular monitoring and easy to follow reporting. Formal reporting structures and content can be tailored to your specific needs and audiences, but a key feature is the establishment of a baseline year (either calendar year or financial year) against which future performance can be monitored. The invoice management part of our service often pays for itself with savings from correcting errors, achieving all prompt payments discounts, optimising costs and reducing agency administration time. As an independent Energy Management company, Smart Power has no affiliations with any suppliers and is therefore able to provide you with technological -agnostic, and reliable advice, backed up by relevant business-case justifications.

The Footprint Company Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

The Footprint Company (TFC) provides embodied carbon reduction services, including a cloud based embodied carbon calculator: The Footprint Calculator. Our tools and advice are based on a database of more than 340,000,000 m2 of vertical infrastructure.

TFC covers all aspects of Net Zero Carbon strategies including: portfolio planning; asset management; project benchmarking; feasibility studies; construction; and offset strategies. We also support rating schemes such as Climate Active, Green Star and LEED.

TFC is owned by TSA Management with offices across New Zealand as well as Australia, UK and Malaysia. Together we offer strategic carbon management consulting on property and infrastructure projects, as well as access to proprietary enterprise software and data integration options for the whole of the asset's life.

With a portfolio of over 1,500 projects across 17 countries, TFC is a leader in whole of life carbon assessments for every stage of a project and asset lifecycle, at any scale. TFC are at the forefront of embodied carbon measurement standards.

TFC has received numerous awards for sustainability performance outcomes across a range of projects.

• Darling Square Precinct (ongoing) – Urban Task Force Award;
• Barangaroo South (2014-current) – Australian Construction Sustainability Award (amongst many);
• Project Kambri, ANU (2019) – Sustainable Architecture Award

thinkstep-anz Yes Yes No Yes Yes

thinkstep-anz has a proven track record of supporting public and private sector organisations measure, verify and report their emissions and set reduction targets in line with climate change commitments. thinkstep-anz’s team carbon of specialists support organisations and industry sectors with:
• Organisational carbon footprint development
• Scope 3 materiality screenings
• Carbon footprint verification
• Carbon reduction strategies
• Setting Science Based targets
• TCFD and Climate Risk reporting
• Net Zero strategy development
• Supplying carbon reporting tools and software
• Trainings and workshops to build internal carbon capabilities
For more information visit:

thinkstep-anz is walking the talk:
• As a certified B Corp thinkstep-anz meets the highest standards of sustainability, transparency, and accountability.
• thinkstep-anz’s carbon reduction target is approved by the Science Based Target initiative and thinkstep-anz’s business is Zero Carbon certified.
• We are a member of the Climate Leaders Coalition and on their steering group

thinkstep-anz is an independent, New Zealand based business with 30 sustainability experts. Our mission is to enable organisations to succeed sustainably. We underpin sustainability initiatives with facts and figures to contribute quantifiable business value

Toitū Envirocare Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Toitū Envirocare is a market leader in carbon measurement, management, and certification in New Zealand. Our depth of technical expertise, robust methods and tools enable organisations of all sizes to reduce their environmental impact and accelerate their carbon reductions, backed by the assurance of ISO certification and international best practice. In addition to our programmes, we offer custom tools and calculators to measure an organisation’s emissions. Since 2006, we have certified over 2,000 GHG inventories globally, representing more than 182 million tonnes of GHG emissions – equivalent to more than twice New Zealand’s annual emissions. We have over 400 active members, including over 80 New Zealand government agencies.

Our carbon programmes are the only programmes in New Zealand that are accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of Australia and New Zealand. We are members of the Climate Leaders Coalition, Sustainable Business Network, Sustainable Business Council and several international organisations, including Science Based Targets and the We Mean Business Coalition. Toitū is a Certified B Corporation® and accredited by the International Carbon Reduction and Offset Alliance.

Tonkin+Taylor Yes Yes No Yes Yes

Tonkin+Taylor’s sustainability and climate change mitigation team provides a range of GHG emissions measurement, monitoring and reduction services, including:


  • Corporate GHG emissions inventories (carbon footprints), meeting ISO 14064-1:2018and the Greenhouse Gas Protocol Corporate Standard requirements
  • Community, project and product carbon footprints and reduction plans, meeting the GHG Protocol for Cities, Project Protocol, Product Standard, and PAS 2050requirements
  • GHG emission measurement and monitoring, e.g. from WWTP plants
  • Assistance with developing GHG emission policies, targets, KPIs
  • Setting of emission reduction targets using Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi)
  • Development of organizational and community/regional decarbonization roadmaps (emission reduction plans and strategies)
  • Monitoring and evaluation
  • Development of software solutions that can be hosted by us or our clients and which can be integrated with existing software applications or operate stand-alone.
  • Wider sustainability services, with particular expertise in waste and water consumption minimization and recycling, advice on selection and sourcing of alternative materials and products to minimize the environmental footprint of projects and products, obtaining sustainability ratings such as ISCA or Environmental Choice label.


Our approach is to work collaboratively with our clients to provide value for money solutions that result in long-term sustainable outcomes.

Total Utilities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

Established in 1999 Total Utilities is a Toitū carbonzero certified organisation and is committed to consistent and comprehensive reporting, benchmarking and management under international best practice. Established in 1999 Total Utilities is a Toitū carbonzero certified organisation and is committed to consistent and comprehensive reporting, benchmarking and management under international best practice. We have over 3000 Government and Business clients who rely upon us for procurement, cost and consumption analytics relating to energy and Waste, but also more recently for accurate measurement, verification and reporting of their carbon and GHG emissions.We offer a range of advisory, verification and support services for emissions reduction. These are underpinned by qualitive and quantitative baseline analytics with ongoing reporting designed in accordance with ISO 14064-1:2018. Our approach is to:


  1. Understand and Take Action. We help you understand your current GHG footprint and pave the way for CarbonZero certified Rating
  2. Improve and Reduce. Measuring your GHG footprint and creating a Carbon Management plan can help identify areas for both immediate and long-term savings, often without additional capital spending.
  3. Target and Report. A well designed and maintained GG inventory can serve several business goals such as:
    1. Setting targets and measuring against these to keep track of progress
    2. Managing GHG risks and identifying reduction opportunities
    3. Public reporting in GHG programmes
    4. Recognition for early voluntary action.
Transition HQ No No No Yes Yes

Supporting long term transition through strategic advice, education and projects. The path to a thriving ecosystem, long term wellbeing and a low emissions future takes more than counting carbon. We are facing uncharted territory and there are significant opportunities and risks in every direction. Transition HQ can help you proactively find your safe pathway and avoid pitfalls. Policy makers: Take on the challenge of facilitating real and effective change –at pace Businesses: Build long term sustainability by finding the real opportunities and avoiding risks Councils/iwi: Explore and identify the most enduring and effective changes to make for your people Communities: Understand what is possible at grass roots and take action that makes a difference for everyone We help you build and run the programmes that support your Transition. We can support you with Transition Strategy and Planning; Research and Evaluation; Programme Design and Secretariat; Transition and Climate Risk; Learning Journeys; Education and Capability Development Programmes. Transition-HQ has a growing community of followers and clients that subscribe tothe weekly newsletter –The Transition Edge

Transport Energy/Emission Research (TER) No No No Yes Yes

TER provides independent, scientific, specialist advice and tools to quantify transport energy use and emissions, and to support the transition from fossil fuelled to smart, clean, zero emissions transport.

WSP NZ Limited Yes Yes No Yes Yes

 combines global expertise with deep local knowledge to provide the right solutions for communities across Aotearoa. We are a design, engineering, planning and environmental consultancy with offices in both regional and major centers around the country supported by global expertise in 44 countries to tailor international best practice to meet your needs. At WSP we are committed to integrating the principles of sustainability to help our clients design lasting solutions for the advancement of our built and natural environments. Our award-winning technical expertise provides solutions to our local and national clients that measure, assess opportunities and develop strategies to drive significant emissions reductions in accordance with ISO 14064. We provide a range of emissions service offerings and can develop carbon assessment and reduction strategies tailored to our clients.