Market governance of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme

The Government is working on proposals to improve the market governance of the New Zealand Emissions Trading Scheme’s (ETS) secondary market (NZU market).

The NZU market

Most of New Zealand’s biggest emitters must buy or 'surrender' one 'emission unit' – known as a New Zealand Unit (NZU) – to the government for every tonne of carbon they emit.  

NZUs can be bought and sold on a secondary market, where units can be traded via trading platforms or directly between buyers and sellers. 

Some areas under consideration for market governance improvements

Limited market information about NZUs

There is no information available about over the counter (OTC) trades (NZU trades which take place directly between two parties, without an intermediary such as a broker), and there is limited transparency about platform trading.  

Limited monitoring

There is no dedicated monitor for trading activity, making it challenging to detect market misconduct and suspicious activity.  

Market conduct obligations

The regulatory framework for NZUs is unclear and not well suited to address market risks. The Climate Change Response Act establishes the ETS and provides its legal framework but does not have provisions regulating market conduct.

What we are doing to manage market risks

The Ministry is currently considering how to best address these issues. The Government is expected to make decisions on improvements to ETS market governance later in 2024.


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