Image of plastic found on a beach courtesy of Sustainable Coastlines.

Te Tahua Pūtea mō te Kirihou Auaha Plastics Innovation Fund

Applications are currently closed

The Plastics Innovation fund is permanently closed. We will be considering applications to reduce plastic waste through the Waste Minimisation Fund in the future.

Image courtesy of Sustainable Coastlines

Amount funded

$50 million over 4-years

Key date

The fund is permanently closed.

What we are working to achieve

The primary objective is to promote or achieve plastic waste minimisation.

We are looking for ways to reduce plastic waste at the source, separate out plastic types and keep them in the highest possible quality for the longest possible time. This is particularly difficult when finding solutions for soft plastics — especially when contaminated by food, dirt or chemicals. 

plastic innovation fund outcomes

It shows the five main outcomes for the Plastics Innovation Fund. 

These are:

  • minimise plastic waste
  • support circular solutions
  • protect the environment from harm
  • support the reduction of imported plastic
  • improve the behaviour of people and businesses (up the waste hierarchy).
plastic innovation fund outcomes

It shows the five main outcomes for the Plastics Innovation Fund. 

These are:

  • minimise plastic waste
  • support circular solutions
  • protect the environment from harm
  • support the reduction of imported plastic
  • improve the behaviour of people and businesses (up the waste hierarchy).

Closing the loop on PVC and HDPE construction and demolition waste

Find out how Marley and Waste Management have worked with the Plastics Innovation Fund to establish a nationwide scheme to collect and recycle construction and demolition plastics.

Kaipaki Dairies zero single-use plastic project

Find out how Kaipaki are reducing the need for millions of plastic milk bottles per year in partnership with the Plastics Innovation Fund.