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Government response to the Climate Change Commission report Progress report: National adaptation plan 2024

He Pou a Rangi | Climate Change Commission produces independent progress reports on the implementation and effectiveness of the national adaptation plan. Its first progress report was published in August 2024. 

This report comprises the Government’s response to the Commission’s report. It is published in accordance with section 5ZV(b) of the Climate Change Response Act 2002. The report outlines the Government’s response to the Commission’s key findings and progress made towards implementing the first national adaptation plan.

As part of its response, the Government has reviewed and updated some actions in the first national adaptation plan. An updated table of actions has been published.

He Pou a Rangi | Climate Change Commission produces independent progress reports on the implementation and effectiveness of the national adaptation plan. Its first progress report was published in August 2024. 

This report comprises the Government’s response to the Commission’s report. It is published in accordance with section 5ZV(b) of the Climate Change Response Act 2002. The report outlines the Government’s response to the Commission’s key findings and progress made towards implementing the first national adaptation plan.

As part of its response, the Government has reviewed and updated some actions in the first national adaptation plan. An updated table of actions has been published.

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