Note: these guidance documents were updated in April 2022. Please see the updated measuring emissions detailed guide and accompanying documents here.
Note: these guidance documents were updated in April 2022. Please see the updated measuring emissions detailed guide and accompanying documents here.
Part of a suite of eight documents that comprise Measuring Emissions: A Guide for Organisations, this guide is for New Zealand-based organisations wishing to self-report their greenhouse gas emissions and encourages best practice in greenhouse gas monitoring and reporting.
The suite of guidance documents:
- explain how to produce an inventory
- provide the latest emissions factors for common sources of emissions in New Zealand (based on the latest national inventory)
- help organisations easily calculate their emissions through an interactive spreadsheet
- provide examples to show what a greenhouse gas inventory and greenhouse gas report look like.
The detailed guide is for users who need to know the methodologies used to work out the emission factors for each emission source.