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New Zealand’s first Biennial Transparency Report under the Paris Agreement Tā Aotearoa Pūrongo Pūrangiaho ā-Rua Tau tuatahi i raro i te Whakaaetanga o Parī

New Zealand’s first Biennial Transparency Report details New Zealand’s progress towards its Paris Agreement commitments. It also outlines New Zealand’s policies and measures, current and projected emissions, adaptation action, and support provided to developing countries over 2021–22.

New Zealand’s first Biennial Transparency Report details New Zealand’s progress towards its Paris Agreement commitments. It also outlines New Zealand’s policies and measures, current and projected emissions, adaptation action, and support provided to developing countries over 2021–22.

The report outlines progress towards New Zealand’s first Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC1). The country is committed to its ambitious NDC1 target and is making progress by implementing measures in its first emissions reduction plan and is proposing further actions under the second plan.

As a Party to the Paris Agreement, New Zealand is required to submit its first Biennial Transparency Report by 31 December 2024, under Article 13 of the Paris Agreement and according to the modalities, procedures, and guidelines agreed by Parties. The report also helps keep New Zealanders informed about action on climate change, and how the country will meet its emissions reduction and climate finance targets.

Supporting information

Time series summary emissions data (1990–2050)