Climate Change Chief Executives Board released material

This page contains proactively released Board meeting packs and advice from the Board to Ministers and the Prime Minister, including six monthly progress reports on the emissions reductions plan (ERP) and national adaptation plan (NAP). Material has been redacted as appropriate in accordance with the Official Information Act.

August 2024 release of meeting packs and advice

This release includes:

  • one meeting pack of the Climate Priorities Ministerial Group (CPMG).
  • three meeting packs of the Climate Change Chief Executives Board (Board)

CPMG meeting pack

Board meeting packs

July 2024 release of meeting packs and advice

This release includes:

  • one meeting pack of the Climate Priorities Ministerial Group (CPMG)
  • five meeting packs of the Climate Change Chief Executives Board (Board)
  • Briefing to incoming Ministers 2023

CPMG meeting pack

Board meeting packs

Briefing to incoming Ministers 2023

March 2024 release of meeting packs and advice

This release includes:

  • one meeting pack of the Climate Response Ministerial Group (CRMG).
  • five meeting packs of the Climate Change Chief Executives Board (Board)

CRMG meeting pack

Board meeting packs

August 2023 release of meeting packs and advice

This release includes:

  • four meeting packs of the Climate Change Chief Executives Board (Board)
  • two meeting packs of the Climate Response Ministerial Group (CRMG).
    • These CRMG meeting packs include advice from the Board that discusses emissions projections and whether we will meet emissions budgets.

CRMG meeting material

11 April 2023 meeting

The Board advised the CRMG that we were no longer on track to meet the first emissions budget.

This finding was in response to the Board’s first six-monthly report on progress in the ERP. This report was published in February 2023. It stated that meeting the first emissions budget was “finely balanced”. The report was based on data and insights from December 2022. The December data did not include the estimated abatement impact from some policies in the ERP. 

31 May 2023 meeting

The Board provided updated advice to the CRMG on emissions budgets. Its advice was that New Zealand would land within the first emissions budget. This advice followed further analysis of:

  • policy impacts
  • the effect of methodological improvements to how we calculate emissions.

This advice used new data published in April 2023.  

We make methodological improvements every year. This ensures emissions data remains accurate as new information and methods become available.

Board meeting packs

Quarterly progress reports